natural 9% cut

you kinda look sick in my opinion.. have any more pics? it very well might be the angle and colors. you're definitely lean though there's no question! solid chest development but looks like you're severly lacking on lats, shoulders, traps...
You are ripped but it looks like your right peck looks like a boob compared to your other peck so that would be the left peck while we are looking at the screen. But you are lean as fuck
You are ripped but it looks like your right peck looks like a boob compared to your other peck so that would be the left peck while we are looking at the screen. But you are lean as fuck

probably because his other arm is raised up, so they don't look balanced. Bro, you are lean and tone. Now, just put on 30-40lbs and you can pull some wool
but actually i dont work out i smoke tobacco and canabis

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LOL this is an old ass thread. And a retarded one at that. Kid looks like a holocaust victim. Did he really need to point out that he was natural cause I couldn't tell.