Navy Diver Sustanon And Clen


Green Boots
Sustanon And Clen For Prelim Conditioning.

Hello all. Started this 3 days ago.

Intentions: To gain strength, assist in recovery of HIIT/Strength training. Lose weight for the long runs. Not wanting to bulk. Excited for the other psychological benefits (confidence, energy) Physiological effects (lots of boners) that testosterone has.

Goals: Get ready for my Military prelim/course
intense, comparable to that of the us navy seals. In about a year and a half.

27 Years Old 192 lbs 9-10% body fat
Working out for 10 years.
Adolecent Gynocomastia developed at age 11.

Previous Steroid Use.
Age 18: 1 Cycle of Sustanon (sust) 250. Cycle was 6 weeks total of 10ml. or 2500mg
Age 27: 2 weeks of anavar 50mg ED. Ceased after high bloodpressure and continuous nose bleeds.

Day 1 )Chest/Back 45 Min Cardio
Day 2)HIIT 20 Min 20 min cardio
Day3) Shoulders/Arms 45 min Cardio
Day 4)HIIT 20 Min 20 min Cardio
Day5)Legs 45 min cardio
Day6) Cardio 30 min
Day7)Yoga 90 min

Meal 1 oatmeal packet, cup of potatoes, cup of cottage cheese, 2 harboiled eggs
meal2 whey glucosamine taurine, oat granola bar
meal3 can of tuna in a wrap with half an avacado, spinache and a tbs of mayo
meal4 lean protein with 2 cups of salad with nuts
meal5 protein /oats nuts
meal6 1 cup cottage cheese

5 litres of water a day or more.

Drug administration:
Sust EO4D 200mg (.8ml)
Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
Nolva for sides
Clomid For PCT

Pics soon to fallow. Any comments welcome
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Changed it
Doing Sustanon (sust) EO3D then EO4D for 12.5 weeks.
Did my second Pin today. In the thigh. Feels great. My ass is still sore from the first one 3 days ago. I did it myself. Too tough.
^^^^Holy shit dude your head fell off in the 2nd and 3rd pic... I'm sorry I couldnt resist :) look pretty good though. Looking forward to your journey brother.
I just want people to know that after my second pin (first pin in the thigh) I didnt go deep enough. I injected in the proper place outer mid thigh. But i got the worst pain just above my knee. I was limping for 2 days.

I started to notice tender nips so I started my Nolva. I was wondering if 20mg EOD will suffice!

3rd pin tomorrow. Dropping the dose down from 200mg to 150mg a pin. Im worried about getting bigger. Thats not the goal.

just had another great chest ab workout. Im also starting to do a sets of calves and and squats on my chest day. I have been neglecting them since my ankle fracture last november.
are you doing any diving right now?

I wouldnt recommend taking clen if you are.
Why is that? Potential for black out? And No im not diving at the moment. Stupid doctors wont let me dive with the ankle injury. More prone to DCS apparently.
Are you doing deep water diving for the navy? What is your M.O.S. ? I love scuba diving but I was looking into a deep water diving course. Those guys make 6 figure incomes.
I just want people to know that after my second pin (first pin in the thigh) I didnt go deep enough. I injected in the proper place outer mid thigh. But i got the worst pain just above my knee. I was limping for 2 days.

I started to notice tender nips so I started my Nolva. I was wondering if 20mg EOD will suffice!

hey bro save the nolva for pct and run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin for the nips.
was it ur first time pinning quads, mine get like that all the time
Grey beard Im using 25 guage at .6ml now.

Thaisexgirls we dont dive deep in my line of work. Just to 150 feet. With my new trade. Its search and rescue... I dont imagine it will be deep either. Just enough to get into an over turned vessel.

surfdog it was my first time pinning the thigh. I just did my second today, correct depth and its starting to hurt like a bitch. BUT its staying in the correct location.

Ill see if my guy can get aromasin. If not do i just get more nolva?
Today I had My 3rd Pin. 60mg of Clen.
I blasted out a great HIIT. I took it froma crossfit exercise. Its meant to mimic a UFC fight

Three, five minute rounds. One minute rest in between rounds.

5 exercises a minute a piece. Trying for as many reps as possible.

Ex 2 Squat to throw 25lbs med ball 10 feet in air (against a wall)
Ex 3 Push press 75 lbs
Ex 4 Squat to upright row 75 lbs
Ex 5 Row machine for calories.

Here are some pics an hour after with a meal in between.
Cheers. I really enjoy the lifestyle. Im may be different for those who serve overseas.
Plus how can you hate summertime in the city! Not to mention the hot girly divers :)
Cheers. I really enjoy the lifestyle. Im may be different for those who serve overseas.
Plus how can you hate summertime in the city! Not to mention the hot girly divers :)

YA I spent 3 of my 4 years in Italy So I cant complain to much ether. Short stay in the hell hole till I got hurt and sent packing:wink2: fawned memories non the less.
You get to gear up and jump out of helicopters into the ocean for search and rescue. That's cool as shit. Sounds like a fun job and rewarding if you rescue a downed pilot or save someones life. Coolness.
Thai thats only a bit of the job. Were also trained on how to skydive, mountainclimb, and wilderness survival. Mainly were trained like advanced paramedics. Stellar job!
Thai thats only a bit of the job. Were also trained on how to skydive, mountainclimb, and wilderness survival. Mainly were trained like advanced paramedics. Stellar job!

Even more coolness. I'm jealous. Do you go out with the Marine special ops guys as Navy Medic? Corpsman?