Need A Boost


New member
Seems like lately I feel alittle run down. I am looking for something that might boost up my enegry alittle while in the gym.
Thanks for the help who makes tyrosine. Does is have to be ordered online or can it be bought at a store.
Tyrosine is all over the place. If you have a vitamin shoppe in town it can be found there. Cheaper in powder form online though. 1fast400, black star labs, beyond a century, etc, etc.
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid, very very cheap and very effective. If you can find the N-acetyl-L-Tyrosine, get that, it may be a little more but its better
grafix-gnc said:
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid, very very cheap and very effective. If you can find the N-acetyl-L-Tyrosine, get that, it may be a little more but its better

You would think so, but a lot of info floating around says the opposite.
I am taken N-large 2 it has L-tyrosine in it 1.28g per serving. I am taken three a day one between lunch and dinner one after dinner with a snack and then one right before bed. This gives me 3.84g daily.
gonzo said:
Seems like lately I feel alittle run down. I am looking for something that might boost up my enegry alittle while in the gym.
pop a stacker or fat-burner w/ephedra... it'l;l get ya going
AssItch said:
You would think so, but a lot of info floating around says the opposite.
if you wouldnt mind, PM me or email me that information, i would like to take a look at it if you can find it again, thanks
I find ephedra amazing. When I do runs on it it feels like i have a spare set of lungs, stack a little caffine with it and you will notice the difference. But I have tried any of the other supps mentioned here.
when I'm feeling run down I just pop a multi-vite in the morn, seems to help, and make sure you have agood brekky the days of your gym sessions...