Need a last word on deca gyno/pct


Livin' the dream....
I have read a ton of threads on this subject and there has been some confusing info. So I just want to make sure I got this right. I am starting my 2'nd cycle next week.

I am running a Test 600mg/Deca 300mg cycle (first time for Deca) My 1st cycle of test only, 500mgs, gave me itchy/sensitive nips, Nolva knocked it down in 2 days. I understand that Nolva should NOT be used with Deca so I bought Armidex.

Question 1. Is Armidex used just like Nolva to combat gyno if it flares when using Deca?

Question 2. Is is ok to use Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) as long as I start 4 weeks after last deca shot and 2 weeks after last test shot?

Question 3. I think I read that I should take Armidex .5mg ED through out the cycle, is this right or am I crazy?

Question 4. Can I use Armidex for post cycle therapy (pct)?

I know these questions come up often, thanks for the input, I just want to get a solid last word.

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lastlaft said:
Question 1. Is Armidex used just like Nolva to combat gyno if it flares when using Deca?

Pretty much.

lastlaft said:
Question 2. Is is ok to use Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) as long as I start 4 weeks after last deca shot and 2 weeks after last test shot?

Start post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks after your last deca shot and yes it is ok to use then.

lastlaft said:
Question 3. I think I read that I should take Armidex .5mg ED through out the cycle, is this right or am I crazy?

Depends if you need to. Likely you could get away with using a lower dosage.

lastlaft said:
Question 4. Can I use Armidex for PCT?

outlawtas2 said:
How gyno prone are you? If it's really bad Adex may not be strong enough.
Well, last cycle of test 500mg gave me itchy nips around week #4. A couple of days of nolva and it was knocked down. I don't know if you would call that "gyno prone" but no other problems during or after.