Need advice about cycling peptides


New member
Hi guys,
I'm completely new to peptides.
I have ordered 2x1mg IGF1 DES and 4x5mg GHRP6, I also have 300ius of Genotropin.

I want to use it in a cycle but have not idea how to.

I don't want to take aas, cuz I'm planing to procreate a child in very near future.
As I hear peptides are not toxic to testicles.

How to stack those things together to get a best results ?
Thanks in advance
Piggyback shoot the peptide in the morning on a empty stomach wait 25 min shoot hgh then eat. Mid afternoon same routine, shoot peptides wait 25 min shoot hgh then eat. At night shoot peptides before sleep, it's an option to wake up mid night about 3-4 hours after laying down to shoot additional hgh. The next morning repeat all the steps.
I hope you ordered them from a place that uses recombinant sources instead of synthetic. The latter won't have biological activity at all from the evidence member Moppy1 has shwn.