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looking for you guys to help me find the best cycle to stay lean as poss while gaining
test400/tren E or test400/EQ
already have dbol for 1st 4wks and winstrol for last 6weeks, also have 2test400
so wanting to know what to take with it or could i do test eq tren, read so threads with realy good results was thinking test 400mg, tren 600mg eq600mg per week, here is what i wrote up
1-5. Dbol 30mg a day
1-15. Arimidex- every other day
2-14. Tren E 200 1.5ml- Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Test400 0.5ml- Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Equipoise300 1ml- Mon a.m/Thurs p.m
9-15. Winstrol 40mg a day
13-15 HCG 250iu- Mon morning/Thrus night
17-21. Clomid- 100/100/50/50
17-21. Nolvadex- 50/50/25/25
have been told to drop the dbol to staylean and up the winstrol to 80mg
test400/tren E or test400/EQ
already have dbol for 1st 4wks and winstrol for last 6weeks, also have 2test400
so wanting to know what to take with it or could i do test eq tren, read so threads with realy good results was thinking test 400mg, tren 600mg eq600mg per week, here is what i wrote up
1-5. Dbol 30mg a day
1-15. Arimidex- every other day
2-14. Tren E 200 1.5ml- Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Test400 0.5ml- Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Equipoise300 1ml- Mon a.m/Thurs p.m
9-15. Winstrol 40mg a day
13-15 HCG 250iu- Mon morning/Thrus night
17-21. Clomid- 100/100/50/50
17-21. Nolvadex- 50/50/25/25
have been told to drop the dbol to staylean and up the winstrol to 80mg