NEED ADVICE!!! best cycle to gain lean musle?


New member
looking for you guys to help me find the best cycle to stay lean as poss while gaining

test400/tren E or test400/EQ

already have dbol for 1st 4wks and winstrol for last 6weeks, also have 2test400

so wanting to know what to take with it or could i do test eq tren, read so threads with realy good results was thinking test 400mg, tren 600mg eq600mg per week, here is what i wrote up

1-5. Dbol 30mg a day
1-15. Arimidex- every other day
2-14. Tren E 200 1.5ml- Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Test400 0.5ml- Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Equipoise300 1ml- Mon a.m/Thurs p.m
9-15. Winstrol 40mg a day
13-15 HCG 250iu- Mon morning/Thrus night
17-21. Clomid- 100/100/50/50
17-21. Nolvadex- 50/50/25/25

have been told to drop the dbol to staylean and up the winstrol to 80mg
Is this your first cycle?

Age? Height? Weight? Body fat%? Years Training?

That cycle looks like you are throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks.
23yrs old
just under 200lb now(pic was taken a weeks ago, finished 1rip few weeks before)
6yrs training last 3yrs solid
not sure of bodyfat
ive done deca/test then test then 1rip(tri blend of test tren mastrone) winstrol
lean muscle, bulking, cutting. this is all going to be more diet then then the aas that you are taking. for lean muscle i have found the best for me is test prop 150 mg eod for 12 weeks. test only cycles are always good. if you want to get bigger during your cycle then at like week 6 add dbol for 3 weeks then the last 3 weeks of the cycle make sure your diet is on point and you will be able to keep body fat low. for lean muscle its hard because getting bigger while keeping fat down is always difficult that is why most people bulk then cut because they can build more muscle quickly. of course lean muscle is most peoples goal so read more on diet and don't over due the use as you are still young and a lot of people will say to young to be using aas already. but since you have already done cycles. you probably aren't going to stop so its better to just give you advice.
if thats a recent pic youre not doing horribly..

but your progress on cycle will be predicated on your diet and then your training.. not compounds.. you can cut on deca just like you can bulk.. same deal with tren...

make sure your cycle is taking advantage of a strong diet.. thats why guys are recommending you hire me (thanks for the love guys)