Need advice on h-drol cycle..


New member
I have been lifting for a year now i am 29 years old and have not used anything but some mild test boosters. I started out weighing 120 pounds i am now up to 140 and need another boost. i was looking into h-drol as i dont really want to go with a full blown steroid as the sides kind of scare me. would anyone recommend h-drol or maybe another alternative to it? wondering about the amount i should take as well as a cycle assist and a post? any help would be much appreciated
I have been lifting for a year now i am 29 years old and have not used anything but some mild test boosters. I started out weighing 120 pounds i am now up to 140 and need another boost. i was looking into h-drol as i dont really want to go with a full blown steroid as the sides kind of scare me. would anyone recommend h-drol or maybe another alternative to it? wondering about the amount i should take as well as a cycle assist and a post? any help would be much appreciated

I dont know much about Hdrol, but from what I have been hearing these Pro-hormones are much more toxic to your body than the real stuff. You should read my thread that I started, it might interest you...I started off the same way, needless to say results weren't what I thought they were gonna be, not to say that this will happen to you...Something worth considering at the least

Here is the link:
I'd recommend upping your calories and looking very hard at your training trust me you have more natural gains to go.
yes superfreak thats what i am scared of! i really want the size and strength and i dont care how long it takes as long as i dont get the adverse effects of steroids or wanna be steroids.. my friend who took mass tabs(the originals) and had a very bad experience with gyno is going to try the h-drol cycle so i guess i can wait and see what happens there.
I'd recommend upping your calories and looking very hard at your training trust me you have more natural gains to go.

this is what i would love to do but i feel as that i am at my peak wich may or may not be true.. the fact that ive gained 20lbs in a year is great and all i really want is another 10lbs and i would b more than happy! i am only taking in 1 gram of protein per pound of my weight right now so i could try raising that. I just feel as that im stuck right now at 140 and need a little something to get over this hump whatever that may be
this is what i would love to do but i feel as that i am at my peak wich may or may not be true.. the fact that ive gained 20lbs in a year is great and all i really want is another 10lbs and i would b more than happy! i am only taking in 1 gram of protein per pound of my weight right now so i could try raising that. I just feel as that im stuck right now at 140 and need a little something to get over this hump whatever that may be

hahaha... sorry but at 140lbs unless youre 5' tall youre no where near your potential. post up more stats and you might get some more help.

eat eat and eat if you want muscle. gaining 20lbs from 120 is good.... but 140 tiny.

when you get bigger you gotta up your cals in order to get even bigger. if you went from 120 to 140 by eating 4000 cals and arent growing anymore try eating 5000 cals a day. YOU WILL GAIN.
gaining weight and getting bigger isnt all about how much protein you take in. you gotta get other calories too. check out the diet section and post up there.
do you know anything about dosage or pct?

im guessing not. dont try anything hormornal until you understand what youre working with. while gyno is bad, there can be other worse permanent side effects if you dont do everything right on your cycle.
i dont know about pct or dosage thats why im not taking anything and asking a few questions on here.. i am 5.8" and was always very skinny and was very happy to get to 140. i am one of those people that can eat everything in sight and not gain a pound! I guess im getting frustrated and just want instant results but that might not be the best idea... i take weight gainer shakes,protein,amino acids,glutamine,multi vite and fish oil and also eat a ton
yes superfreak thats what i am scared of! i really want the size and strength and i dont care how long it takes as long as i dont get the adverse effects of steroids or wanna be steroids.. my friend who took mass tabs(the originals) and had a very bad experience with gyno is going to try the h-drol cycle so i guess i can wait and see what happens there.

Yea dude I wouldnt wish it on my enemies!!! Honestly they say the real stuff is safer than PH's...That said I agree with the others, you can increase your caloric intake. Eat like a pig man, not in the sense eat junk, but eat like your a fat bitch at an all you can eat buffet! lol
I have a friend who used to say he couldnt gain weight, and that he ate a lot. Well the one day I went out to eat with him and I saw what his definition of "a lot" was, it most definitely wasn't. Eat so much you get tired of eating and it becomes almost like a chore lol then you know you are eating enough!And like someone else said its not just protein, you want it all good carbs etc..
i dont know about pct or dosage thats why im not taking anything and asking a few questions on here.. i am 5.8" and was always very skinny and was very happy to get to 140. i am one of those people that can eat everything in sight and not gain a pound! I guess im getting frustrated and just want instant results but that might not be the best idea... i take weight gainer shakes,protein,amino acids,glutamine,multi vite and fish oil and also eat a ton

start counting your calories.

head over to the diet forum and get some advice. it'll not only help you gain naturally but also help you keep your gains once you do decide to use aas.
start counting your calories.


you'd be surprised how much your actually eating once you add it up.also you have to have a good balance of food and weight gainers in there.different food etc.def check out the diet section for some great advice and ideas.

what your issue is you have reached the first step of weight the bat you can put on 10+ pounds easy right off the bat then the gains start to level off then your slowly move up in weight this is where you need to adjust your diet and training to account for the new gains.

trust me I was in the exact same boat as you.for guys like us its hard work in the gym and in the kitchen.
thank you guys that def helps make my decision easier! i think ill hold off for right now with any kind of enhancers and see what else i can get for natutal gains by adjusting a few other things naturally..