NEED ADVICE!! starting tren,sust250,tbol cycle tomorrow


New member
Hey guys,

21 yrs old 216 lbs 12%bf been working out religiously since i was 17

my cycle will consist of
1cc tren E4D
1cc sust250 E4D(mixed with tren(
40 mg tbol ED
30 mg winni ED
will also run with proviron

looking for input any suggestsions or advice good or bad is greatly appreciated
thank guys
How long and how many cycles do you have under your belt?

I would personally drop the winny.
i was looking to run it for 12 weeks 2 cycles under my belt
1st cycle 8 weeks of test prop
second cycle 12 weeks of test prop and winni
just curious why drop tbol even though the gains aren't fast and astromical you will keep a lot more strength at the end of the cycle?.... dbol will help me lean out? i thought that was used for bulking and i know you retain more water?
what would you see as the biggest downfall from this cycle seeing as i already have the stuff and starting next week?
You will get bigger gains with dbol, or anadrol, but I would not recommend if you are not experienced.

yes you will retain more water, but you always will, so deal :P take some aromasin to counter act this. go big or go home ;)

just curious why drop tbol even though the gains aren't fast and astromical you will keep a lot more strength at the end of the cycle?.... dbol will help me lean out? i thought that was used for bulking and i know you retain more water?
what would you see as the biggest downfall from this cycle seeing as i already have the stuff and starting next week?

K, the downfall is the Winstrol (winny), tbol and prov. Go for size. My opinion, run Tren E, and Sustanon (sust) and if you want tbol (id rather go dbol tho).... run this for your time planned, then run the prov and winny....will you make a log, im curious to follow
thanks for the advice... i am going to attempt to keep a log with pictures although it could prove hard seeing as i for at least 6 days 60 hours a week .... deff will try though
you doses are wayyy lowr,you really only taking 200mgs/tren/wk 250mgs/sust/wk.

you need to do 2cc's of sust/wk and 2cc's of tren/wk then you have a great cycle!

that way your getting 400mgs/tren/wk and 500mgs/sust/wk.

pin on monday A.M and thursday P.M., for both compounds.

bump the Winstrol (winny) to 50mgs/ED,but IMO you dont need the Winstrol (winny) at all.