Need Advice


New member
I am 42yo, 5'11" tall, 200lbs. I have virtually every symptom listed for candidates of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) except for ED. I believe that my quality of life would be improved by taking some action. I don't have health insurance and cannot afford to consult with a physician. I do, however, have a friend who has offered to help me acquire some supplies. In fact he has given me some Test Prop 100, Test Enenthate as well as some Deca (considering cycling).

I really don't care to bulk up. I just want my vitality back. It would be nice if the aches, pains and lethargy went away too. Ultimately, I want to feel better. I've done some reading but I don't have any first hand testimony. I would really appreciate some advice on where to start, what to use, how much, etc.

Thank you!

Is one preferable over the other? And are there other supliments that would be beneficial?
Thank you!

Is one preferable over the other? And are there other supliments that would be beneficial?

I like enan cause its balanced over the week - long and short esters, personally, but it makes little difference. You do not need Deca - its for bulking not testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Yes, you also need to add DHEA and Pregnonolone (available at Vitamin store) every day. I also suggest an 81mg aspirin as your blood will thicken a bit.

You can add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if you want to keep your nuts normal size and have children again one day - you wouldnt need much. maybe 250/week and its cheap - i do it while on trt.

As to your comment about cycling - I need to know if you are doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or are gonna cycle?