need advice


New member
I did my first cycle of just test last year with pritty good results my streanth improved dramatically gained almost 18 lbs of muscle but no mager size gain. What's a good product to stack with test to see real size gain. Any thoughts or help?
Food. Dude you gained 18 lbs off your first cycle. That's f'ing great. You really can't expect more. Just be consistent with diet #1, and as long as you have had time on + post cycle therapy (pct) = time off, you can start thinking about another cycle if you so choose. Lots of people do test e + dbol for their second cycle.
18lbs but no major size gains? Why don't you post some stats up about yourself.

Npp, deca, dbol are some to "look" into.
No major size gains as in you didn't keep the gains after you finished? Bc 18lbs is great test only. Are you comfortable to pin eod? or are you looking for an oral to go with it?
Im 5'4 185lbs X power lifter. 2years ago i was maxing out bench 325lbs and took 2nd place leg press 1425lbs all natural.