need clarification testosterone,deca,Anadrol


New member
hey fellas need some clarification my cycle this time around will include tren e test e and anadrol 50 as far as pct is concerned im confused abt the strt times here why
i found this chart
Anadrol/Anapolan: 24 hours after last administration
Deca: 21 days after last injection
Dianabol: 24 hours after last administration
Equipoise: 21 days after last injection
Fina: 3 days after last injection
Primobolan depot: 14 days after last injection
Sustanon: 18 days after last injection
Testosterone Cypionate: 18 days after last injection
Testosterone Enanthate: 14 days after last injection
Testosterone Propionate: 3 days after last injection
Testosterone Suspension: 24 hours after last administration
Winstrol: 24 hours after last administration
i will run anadrol for 6 weeks and my injectables for 8 when do i strt pct for the anadrol if it ends earlier than my test e and reccomendations r to strt anadrols 24 hrs after last intake and test e 14 days after also i dnt see a strt time for the tren
for pct i hve hcg nolva/clomid combo also i have aromasin ive seen cycles that run it throughout but i gt some good info from the pct sticky and some good advice from a fellow member cobra strike (thnx again man)
sais to run it at 25 mg for the duration of the pct anyway plesae clear this up