Need cycle advice. Endurance athlete (motocross)


Lifter of weights
Hey guys im back, after doing much more research i feel like im ready to drop a post here. I decided to get back racing motocross and kind of work in bodybuilding with mx this season. I know i wont put on alot of bulk due to the conditioning it takes for racing but i think i can achieve good results on planned cycle ill be running this starting march/april.

1-5 Dbol 30mg ed
1-16 EQ 600mg/wk
1-16 Test E 250-300mg/wk
14-18 Winstrol 20-30mg ed (depending on joint dryness)
1-18 Adex .5mg EOD

Now any opinions if masteron e would be a waste or if i could benifit from 400mg/week for the last 10 weeks.

As for hcg i dont know whether i want to run it throughout or blast at the end.

Ill be training 3-4 days per week in the gym doing alot of explosive movements, intense circuits and legs 2x per week, ill be riding on my non training days which is a great conditioning activity.

Any help is appreciated, thanks bros

Weight:170lbs (recovering from surgery)
Hight: 5' 7"

2 cycles in the past both test p at 525mg a week and dbol 30mg daily for 8 weeks as well as a failed test/mast cycle (pulled out early due to life issues)
What is your objective? Bodybuilding or conditioning for motocross?
Why do you need so much Adex?
Why would you run Winny?
What is your objective? Bodybuilding or conditioning for motocross?
Why do you need so much Adex?
Why would you run Winny?

I have a problem with getting itchy nips and might have some minor gyno, if i feel the adex to much ill adjust as i go along. I thought the winny would be a nice touch at the end to dry out a bit and look cut and hard when i come off and at 20-30mg i didnt think it could hurt but masteron is an alternative to the winny if someone can convince me. Im trying to balance both but more so moto right now but i need to get bigger cause i do wanna do a show next november but im limited with drugs cause deca, drol, dbol, tren.. all the good drugs are gonna destroy my cardio or give me insane pumps that i cant deal with while riding. My first 6 weeks i wont be riding my bike so thats why i got the dbols are in there.
My diet is solid other than in the off season.
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youre running a bulk cycle.. yet youre worried about endurance.. and im guessing your being heavier isn't going to help your motocross..

i think youre doing this all wrong..
you need Peds not AAS. a cup of coffee before the race will do alot more than what your trying to do now. how on earth are AAS going to help you while you sit on a bike and go around the track?
you need Peds not AAS. a cup of coffee before the race will do alot more than what your trying to do now. how on earth are AAS going to help you while you sit on a bike and go around the track?

I know AAS is not ideal for motocross but im not racing pro class here. Im serious about lifting but like to race as well. It helps with aggression, focus, and strength, i can take plenty of extra supps to deal with any pumps.
youre running a bulk cycle.. yet youre worried about endurance.. and im guessing your being heavier isn't going to help your motocross..

i think youre doing this all wrong..

Ill admit the dbol is bad choice, there is no place for it in this cycle. Just had it layin around. Yes this is a lean bulk/recomp but really diet governs whether your going to bulk or cut. With the amount of physical activity i do in summer my past cycles leave me lean (9%-11%). Having more lbm is no problem, with the extra strength and aggression i can get my ass around the track fast enough. I chose eq because it produces slow quality gains, and is a mild steroid. I decided to start at 600mg and would drop it lower from there if/when i feel the need. Same with the test also for the first half of this cycle i wont even be riding yet so it gives me plenty of time to adjust dosages. From the research ive done this should produce quality gains and shouldnt affect my endurance in a negative manner (not to much anyway)