Need help/advice on next cycle


New member
So let me explain my previous cycle :
I ran a premixed blend of steroids know as "one rip" or "one rip 200" the actually blend it's self contained test prop, tren a and mast prop :
Test p - 70mg
Tren a - 65mg
Mast - 65mg
(Per ml - I was using 4ml a week so do the math)
Test - 280mg per week
Tren - 260 mg per week
Mast - 260 mg per week

I've had no problems with the cycle loved every minute of it felt great through out, strength went up incredibly, managed to loose 4-5% bf while gaining around 8-10 pounds after water weight.
So hears my question I wanted to gain much more size and in my next cycle I want to achieve this goal - I was planning on running test prop at 500-600mg a week while the possibilities of using orals like dbol ect if decided nearer the cycle - but my buddy who's been on gear a lot longer (and looks incredible) said that it might be a step backwards as the tren in the previous cycle is like 3x stronger than test ? So basically my question is what's my next step, I want a real simple cycle that will be an increase to this one in which I gain mass.

Sorry for the Long post haha hope you can help !

Okay buddy - so would just ruining say 500-600mg of test prop alone a week be a step backward in term of gear and dosage ? Wanna gain mass/bulk but wanna try and use less compounds in the next cycle
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In a way, yes its kinda going backwards. I just did basically a beginner cycle recently just to see what would happen. I got results! U can do a test cycle with a dbol kick start. Nothing wrong with that. There isn't a rule stating u have to use more and more gear.
Yea I built up strength and leaned out a lil bit. Sometimes its nice to go back to basics just to see how the diet and everything is working.
The anabolic/androgenic ratio of Test is 100:100. For Tren it's 500:500, think you'll find Tren is 5 times stronger brother
Okay buddy - so would just ruining say 500-600mg of test prop alone a week be a step backward in term of gear and dosage ? Wanna gain mass/bulk but wanna try and use less compounds in the next cycle

I dont believe in the whole taking a step back, you took your break? You took proper precautions? pct? You should be fine. Your receptors should be back to normal.
You wanna bulk with less compounds, Deca & Sustanon will aid you to your goal.
Make sure youre in a calorie surplus. Understand the more you weigh on the scale the more you must bump those calories UP.