Need help bulking!!


New member
New to the forum been lurking around for a while. I need help bulking, with the right diet i know i will achieve my goals. I have access to gear but am not tryin to go the route yet.I wanna build my body on just training an food. Ive been training for 5 yrs, last 2yrs been consistent, started at 125lbs at 5'9.

19yrs old
10% bf
Goals; 170-175lbs
Workout 5 days a week.
BMR 1804.15
TDEE 3427

3J, If you need more info let me now. If you need me to write my diet which really isnt consistent i will or a diet i was plan on writing up myself and you can critique it, just let me know.
if your looking for free diet advice you need to post a proposed diet for critique my friend... and ill make the necessary changes..

if you want me to build you a diet thats something reserved for clients... you'd have to become one...

either way we'll get you on the right track
first off, props to you for waiting to juice. you're not old enough and havent hit your potential yet. Second, 3J has quite the reputation on here. I'm getting ready to use him very soon. I suggest you consider this approach as you will get personal coaching. Read the stickies to learn how his services work.

again bro, you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. props to you.
This is just my recommendation but I recommend cutting your training frequency to 3 times a week. Your metabolism will get stuck in a catabolic phase if you overtrain - cortisol (a catabolic hormone) increases, neurotransmitters can decrease, as can potentially testosterone briefly from overtraining. But most of the game is diet so you should listen to 3J.
What do you need help with man? Start with a 40/40/20 split of p/c/f and see how that works for you. You might have to adjust accordingly, either raising or lowering your calories. I work better with about a 40/30/30 split, which I found out by experimentation. Log your calories and see what works bro