Need Help! Maintaining diet while away from home?

Dino Velvet

I will be living out of a hotel for about a month and need some advice or tips on how to maintain my bulking diet. I will get my three meals a day and have my protein drinks. The room should have a microwave,
(I think) but no kitchen. I'm trying to keep from eatting tuna everyday. I hope I have a small refrigerator at least. Any help, please?
Man, that's my worst case scenario. I'm fine with a routine but get me outside of those parameters and I default to whatever is easiest. One idea would be to contact a local restaurant who has a good grill menu and explain your dilemma. Ask them if you could buy some chicken and pay them to grill it up for you. I'll bet you could find a place willing to do that for you. Or, heck, even some grocery store will do it for you. You can go to an Asian restaurant and buy brown rice. All you need then is the ability to to cook/steam veggies and you're good to go.
I know, I thought about the restaurant thing, but I also have to consider how much it will cost me, lol. Damn, well I will be working on a military base but stay off Post, like I said, I will get my 3 meals, but I might have to sneak some food out or something. Idk, I guess I will have to wing it when I get there. thanks for the reply.
I did search up and down this site but couldnt find anything about this subject, and i know that there are many bodybuilders that travel a lot and still maintain a good diet.
I did search up and down this site but couldnt find anything about this subject, and i know that there are many bodybuilders that travel a lot and still maintain a good diet.

I'm not in a hotel for 30 days straight, but I'm on the road each and every day and have to pack meals in a cooler. Maybe ask if the hotel has a grill like near the pool or something? If so, I'd go buy a bunch of chicken, steak, etc and cook it out there and then store it in a cooler that you bring or a fridge in the hotel?

If no grill, go buy yourself a George Foreman and get after it each night! Just be sure to crack the door or the windows, lol!