need help on dieting..

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Ok am 19yrs old 5"10 - 5"11 195

i have never juiced.. i never really had a diet i basically ate what i want when i wanted and i eat alot....before i was at 185 and i wanted to bump up the weight so i started eating more.. and now even though am an athlete and i have a really fast metabolism...i have notice am lstarting to look less lean...even though ppl still swear am on steroids because am dedicated to my sport and weight training so i have nice lean muscle...

so i started eating more and like everyone noticed....they would say you deffinitely got bigger.. but me my self can tell that my bf% is going up slightly as i dont want it to...

i need help never really like knew how to diet or anything...

need to kno like what, and how much to eat

my workout is

mon-- back ,bi, shoulder
tues-- legs
wed-- chest,tri

i do abs just about everyday, and havent but will be starting 30 min or cardio a day after training

need some dieting help to take my weight training to the next level and eat properly
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What is your more immediate goal? Cutting up or gaining size or strength?

I didn't grow until I stopped being afraid to eat, but right now I'm cutting and I'm down to nearly your weight while maintaining most of my strength.

I've actually gotten a lot of flack because I'm not using a traditional cutting diet for lifters myself and I'm not going to say that what I'm doing is what you should do. It comes down to what works for you.

Let us know about those goals. Any idea about your bf% ? Can you see any of your abs? Abs has more to do with body fat than size of abs muscles, of course.
my goal is to stay around the same weight even mabye put a little more weight on but drop the body fat to look more cut and i kno its because i dont eat clean.... so am basically tryna pack on clean muscle and keep the unhealthy fat away....i was a lil lower before but right now am probably like at 10...
thing is i dont eat proper or the right foods so if i keep on eating the same junk its just going to get worse..
Ill help you out, what do you usually eat in a day...even if you don't have a diet what do you usually eat?

Can't help change anything if we don't know that. Secondly are you taking any vitamins, minerals, supplements etc.?
i eat all kind of things basically watever is around..... i have whey protien fish oil and ama pick up so flax seed i wat to go on a diet with high protien and low in i want to get into eatin the brown rice and oatmeal..wheat brea or multi grain...cuz right now i eat white rice...white bread...and basically watever i want ....also am spanish so i usually have the same dinner rice some sort of meat or chicken and beans then like something fried as a side...i want to cut all that out start eating like chicken,oatmeal, the good stuff high in protien low in fat
Ok. Def. get yourself a multi-vitamin. Like $10 for a years supply at walmart. Fish oil is good, flax good.

Don't have to follow this, but this is what I do for a day. Remember if you want to eat right and do the diet thing, not only are you going to have dedication but also be able to buy the food. Food isnt cheap especially being 19, im 19 too and I know.

Wake up- protein shake
Breakfast- 2 whole eggs, 4 whites, orange juice, yogurt with some oats.
Snack- wheat toast w/ peanut butter
lunch- hummus, chicken on wheat wrap, salad
pwo- protein shake
snack- handful of almonds
Supper- baked potato, brown rice, vegetable, chicken/steak

It changes everyday because Im at school and money is tight, but basically it is something like that. You need fats in your diet just not shitty ones. Stay away from fastfoods, and sodas, anything not 100% juice is shit. Stay away from white breads and that stuff too. High fructose corn syrup is ass.

Im sure I missed a ton, anymore questions ask away. Im tired, but ill read back up what i wrote and post more if I think of anything
I dont really like your split either. Just my opinion. If your going to take 1 day off a week does it have to be sunday?

If so thats fine but I would only do 1 major muscle grouping a day, but I agree with Back/bi and Chest/tri.

I dont like shoulders and back same day tho, how can you hit everything with heavy weight the way you want? A lot of the muscles your using are the same.
this a new workout am trying out switchin my stuff around ....i use to have shoulders and forearms on a seperate day
Dude i dont see Cardio anywhere in your traing regiment. I would suggest adding cardio 3-4 times a week at 30 mins. Mix up the type of cardio one day do the cross trainer, the next the bike not necessarly everytime but keep you body guessing
Water Diet

A fat reducing diet is not the same as a weight reducing diet. Weight loss diets focus on losing weight and that weight doesn't necessarily have to be fat, actually it rarely is. When you want to lose weight super fast and go on one of the starvation diets you lose some fat but a lot of muscle and water.

Imagine a diet that will burn the fat, preserve the muscle and stabilize you glycogen stores. This would mean that you could lose weight quite fast and the weight lost is what used to sit on your thighs or belly.

Stop imagine and listen; the diet is here and it is available to all of us! The diet reminds of the secret bodybuilder diet. A bodybuilder cant afford to lose muscle to lose weight, right? Why should we? Even if we are not bodybuilders we still need our muscles. The muscles are great energy consumers and this mean that the more of them you have, the more fat you are able to burn.