Need help on first cycle


New member
I am 19 and I know Im too young to start a cycle, but Im at a sticking poin and cannot go up on any weight or gain any weight. Would it be dumb just to take Deca Durabolin by itself. Would I see any gains?
Welcome to Steroidology !!

At your age, you have so much natural testosterone and growth hormone floating around your body, if you can't make good gains naturally, there is either something wrong with your diet or training, or both.

Steroids are NOT the answer you are looking for.
crand003 said:
I am 19 and I know Im too young to start a cycle, but Im at a sticking poin and cannot go up on any weight or gain any weight.
I'm confident that you can far surpass your sticking point with appropriate changes to your diet. I have proven this to myself, as I have made tremendous gains after changing my diet, and I have never done an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle.

crand003 said:
Would it be dumb just to take Deca Durabolin by itself.
Yes, it would be a mistake.
you would be better off adjusting your diet and training rather than doing any type of cycle....And if your not gaining anything i can guess your diet is problaby the culprit and doing a cycle isnt the answer...if its already broke jumping into Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) wont fix it imo
my $0.02
i noticed a slow process in weight lifting when i was 18-19 years old. i thought that was all my body would do but after i looked into my family histroy i noticed that no one on both sides of the family were into anything to do with sports.
so i didnt have anythig in my favor

i went to bootcamp at the age 19 and after that i noticed a bit more difference
i put on few more lbs of weight and my body fat had dropped a few more % .

i wanted to find a way to keep what i had accomplished but not run my ass of for 16 hrs a day to do it.

i read so many different kinds of health mags (mens health my favorite) and the different kinds of diets for people that lift weights on a regular basis, the amount of protein the amount of carbs supplements and the list goes on and on.

fanillay i spoke to a local high school health teacher that was in the army national guarg with me and he told me because of my small size (5'9" 140 lbs)
i had a high metabolism and it wolud take me longer to accomplish my goals
and i need to eat more and try to move up in weight every two weeks.

after 1 year i was ready to give up because i belived some stupid school teacher could make a difference in my life but i stayed with the plan.

after 18 months people started making comments about how good i looked with my weight and size. i personaly didnt see any differance only that my close didnt fit very well i got on the scales and noticed i was up to 160 lbs
and my arms were up 3 inches.Thanks to Coach Day the health teacher i reached my goal.

after that my gains slowed down for a few years then i had another growth spurt i was staying around 166lbs and noticed another 3 inches in my arms
my arms were now 16 inches (some people dont think thats big but i worked my ass off for those 16 in arms)

a few years later im 30 years old ,lost a few lbs i just cant get any bigger so i tried AS and the first two cycles were awesome but the third had its disadvantages
after two cycles (3months on 3 months off) i was almost 20in in my arms i was bursting out of my shirts and pants. it ws the best feeling that i ever had
i was in the club at 10:30pm and by 11:30 i had a girl to take home.

My experience with AS I started out weighting 155lbs 5’9” two cycles later im now 180lbs and I love it My first cycle was 12 weeks test only and I had a few sides nothing major a small bit of acne a little extra hair growth small cold due to my immune system was weaken by AS, really good gains.21 days of post cycle therapy (pct) everything looking good and back to normal.

I waited 14 weeks to do another cycle.Test work really well at 500mg a week
250 Tuesday and 250 Saturday so I went with test stack with Anadrol 50 and the Anadrol rocked I really liked this stuff. After 4 weeks I stopped the Anadrol. And after 8 weeks of my cycle the first side I was I started having shortness of breath and snoring at night I went to the doctor and he said I had chronic asthma im like what the fuck is this quack talking about. He gave me two kinds of medication a few days I was good as new.
2nd side I started noticing some hair loss which is common. The gains were looking good
I stopped the cycle after 10 weeks. I was getting chin splints while running so I had to loose some weight for the military APFT. Three weeks of post cycle therapy (pct). Everything back to normal.

12 weeks later I start another cycle I have lost 10 lbs and a small amount of gains (normal).
10 weeks into my cycle of test only im 188 lbs loving the gains but the sides start and this time the sides are different
1st acne on my stomach, chest, shoulder blades, lower back. and arms
2nd more hair loss
3rd extreme hair growth on my back shoulders and my ass
4th shortness of breath and snoring
5th cant sleep
6th limp dick
7th puffy sore nipples pointing downward
8th starting to feel tired most of the day

I know these are normal side effects but I didn’t think I would get all these with my third cycle since cycle 1 and 2 was for the most part normal sides

Im not sure but this is probably gonna be the last cycle for a while at least till November then I will try another method like 8 week cycle or something
Go to the diet part or supplement (i´m not in the diet page often) and tell us how you eat today, then we can help you
kcal, protein, fat intake per day.. how you eat on a training day etc..
well make you swell up natural bro! atleast wait 2 more years for the as.
Why don't you post your current diet and the bros here can critique it. In order to grow, you have to eat more than your maintenance level for calorie intake. Your maintenance level is the number of calories you must eat a day to maintain your current weight. The best way to determine this is to keep a food journal. Once you know what your maintenance level is, you increase your consumption a bit, and see whether you are gaining additional lean muscle mass without too much fat, then adjust accordingly. As part of your diet, it is imperitive that you consume 1.5 to 2 times your body weight in grams of protein. You also want to include supplements like L-Glutamine, multi-vitamins and minerals.

Now here is the interesting part and it will be useful if you post your training routine. Many people don't grow because they overtrain. I see guys in the gym doing like 5 sets of five different exercises for each body part, twice a week. And while they look pretty fit, they are not growing. It is because you don't grow in the gym. You grow between workouts and these bros are overtraining. For a couple of months try hitting each body part once a week, using compound exercises. And lift heavy,,,,in the 4-6 rep range. Your chest/tri day might look like this:

Flat bench: 5 sets of 5 reps, don't pyramid, but use the heaviest weight you can use to get all reps.

Incline DB: 3 sets of 6 reps.

Weighte Dips or Decline: 3 sets

Skullcrushers: 3 sets of 6.

And that's it. You should be done in 45 minutes, but definately under an hour.

On back/bi day do: Weighted pull ups, deadlifts, rows, straight bar curl, db curl

Legs/shoulders: BB military press, DB side raises, Squats, hack squats, Stiff leg deadlifts or goodmornings, calfs.

Go heavy. Fuck the idea of going for 12 reps,,,,12 reps might give you a good pump, but it won't grow muscles.

Now I am sure there are going to be some that disagree with this form of training, but it has worked for me. I went years overtraining and seeing marginal results. But I really started to grow when I cut back on the volume of my training and started with heavy weights.
wow your 19 and you want to juice. Man when i was 19 years old i had so much natural test it was absolutly unreal.. I'd re-think your regimin like all these guys have stated. Plus there are many natural supplements that can help you gain in the gym..