Need help on what I am doing, I might be messing up my body really bad! Help me out:o


I am banned!
18 years old
14% BF
183 cm
Training since 4 1/2 years

Hello guys, I have been running test e 500mg/EW for nearly 11weeks now. Exactly 26 days ago, so nearly 4weeks ago, I decided to throw in ana Anavar (var) /oxandrolone at 150mg ED. I get my gear from a very reputable lab. The Anavar (var) dose is extremely high for my first cycle. However, I decided to want to stop this immediately because I have made a mistake to start cycling at such young age when my testosterone is flowing like crazy, and my brain and endocrine system aren't fully developed yet. I did a lot of reading, and I still have to do MUCH more before touching any of this. My goal is to cutdown and get as lean as possible for several reasons, and so far it is going very well. From September 16th until now, I went from 207.5lbs, 20% BF to 14% BF 180lbs (I got a BF test yesterday done by the same person at my gym). My strength is increasing like you could never imagine taking into consideration that I am on a 1000caloric deficit, 255-300g of protein, 20-25% of my diet are healthy fats, and a very low amount of carbohydrates (not more than 80g, my body's glycogen is near complete depletion from low carbohydrate intake)that I get from Anavar (var) iety of food, most of them are simple carbs that are low in GI and easy to burn (I follow my macros and progress on MyFitnessPal).

I use many supplements on my cut:
EC stack ephedrine at 8x8mg(now at 9x8mg), and caffeine at 3x200mg. Doses are split along the day.
CLA 2pills 3 times a day
EGCG (Green tea extract) 2x a day
Liver support 2x a day (LiverCare by Himalaya)
Multi-vitamin stack by VitaFreak
FlexFreak for joint support
ZMA 3pills 30minutes before bed
Creatine Blend by magnum (BigC)
Omega 3's with extra vitamin D liquid form
1scoop of VegeGreens a day by Progressive

(Of course I drink a lot of water, I use 2 big jugs of 2.5L each filled with water and BCAA'S by Nutrabolics).

Getting back to my cycle, at first I wanted to get as lean as possible to be able to use Tren Ace. In that period of time, I gained knowledge and knew I had to stack it with every cycle's base, TESTOSTERONE. Of course, if using tren a, why not use with it test p since both are short esters, and if anything goes wrong, they will leave my body quickly. Compared to test e or c and tren e, these tend to have more side effects, and if something goes wrong, they will remain a long time in my body before all esters are removed and test is finally used up. I have also decided to stack with that my Test P and Tren A some masteron propionate. I bought all my vials for a 12week cycle. Test P 150mg EOD, Tren A 100mg EOD (very high dose IMO I should use 50mg to start but I guess I could handle 100mg since I am very calm and have melatonin ready in case of insomnia) and Mast P 100mg EOD. However, my syringes cannot hold 3.5cc of oil of course so decided to split up doses and do it ED, because pinning myself twice in one sitting will be a pain in the ass. However, I am thinking of cutting the mast for now and throw it in by the end of my cycle, as recommended by most people, or at least 3-6weeks into my cycle.

So what I did is, I cut the test e and Anavar (var) , and switched to more heavy duty compounds. I need everyone's opinion, is that a good idea? What doses do you think I should use? If I post cycle therapy (pct), I lose most of my gains, so i I decided to blast and cruise, is that a bad idea? Should I testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose (cruise)on my last vial of Test E for a month to recover from my last cycle? or can I just keep blasting 12 more weeks on tren a, and test p and throw in some mast during the cycle and than cruise.

My blood pressure is good so far, I am stupid for not have taking a blood test before the cycle, but I know for a fact I was healthy before the cycle, I don't know now what is happening to my body which is what made me worry (and running this new blast will be even more taxing on my body).

Many of you guys here have much more experience than me, this is the reason I posted this thread. Please be helpful in your response because this will help me think straight and correct some my mistakes.
This can't be real lol the logic that was used is ridiculous. You supposedly realized this was all a huge, grave mistake because you're only 18, so you wanted to stop immediately, yet at the end of the post, you say you don't want to lose your gains, so you're gonna cruise and then in a month rocket launch into multiple compounds with higher dosages for 12 weeks. Explain to me how this makes sense. LOL, this has to be trolling.
I stopped at 150 Anavar (var) ed... Do as stated above.
Hold off till you know what you're doing
no it is serious, and the reason i posted the blast on multiple compounds, is because if i already fucked everything to fuck up at 18, can't i just start or keep cycling at this age? and if yes, what is your opinion on my next blast? and should i do something before doing my blast (like pct or w.e)?
l0l, well Anavar (var) is good at 100mg ED (women use this drug), but i do agree with you, was stupid of me going 150mg ED, but i told myself that if i will shutdown for sure on 100mg ED, why not do 150mg, but yes, again it was stupid, and i hope i didn't fuck up my liver. I was using liver care, and did not consume any alcohol which MIGHT make my current case less "severe"
what do you guys think happened to me after doing nearly 12weeks of 500mg/week test e and Anavar (var) 150mg (threw in 4weeks before my cycle ended). Did i mess up badly cholesterol levels, HPTA, liver, blood pressure, so on so forth.
no it is serious, and the reason i posted the blast on multiple compounds, is because if i already fucked everything to fuck up at 18, can't i just start or keep cycling at this age? and if yes, what is your opinion on my next blast? and should i do something before doing my blast (like pct or w.e)?

You have no idea if you fucked everything up or not. By that I mean complete HPTA shutdown w/o chance of restart. Its your 1st cycle. As stated already, PCT is what you need.
well i should recover most probably (even though at this age it is more difficult since i am still naturally growing and developing mentally and physically). It just takes time, and if i do post cycle therapy (pct), what product would you suggest me running and at what dose.
Clomiphene @ 100/50/50/50 and Tamoxifen at 40/20/20/20

Each number is representative of the daily dose for that week, for a 4 week total therapeutic span.
Will pct be more effective if i take more than the following dosages? What else could I take to help recovery(any supplements)? And how can I know whether pct worked or not?

During post cycle therapy (pct), will i be feeling weak (since i am probably shutdown at the moment) and how much gains will i lose during post cycle therapy (pct), because i really am worried of losing the gains i made during my cycle.
Well since cutting on AAS is the only way to retain lbm at the same time, then yes. Id adjust for maintenance calories or slightly over at your new weight. Gotta pick one or the other.