Need help planning 3rd cycle. Worried about shut down and gyno


New member
Little Background. IM 24 years old and iv been lifting for 4 years steady now. Im 5'11"and started at 140 pounds now up to 202pounds with good diet and workout routine. My first two cycles were very with no other type of support. Both cycles were mutantplexx and A-HD for pct. The second cycle caused shut down like iv never experienced before. I could barely get it up and stay up once a week for sex, which was never an issue before the cycle having sex daily. A year later I STILL don't feel like I am the way I used to be in the bedroom department. That's my BIGGEST worry about my next cycle. My friend just finished a dmz cycle and he now has gyno which is also something id rather avoid.

With strong emphasis on not losing anymore sex drive, what is a good cycle to run that will be dry enough to define abs more while making lean gains. Im not looking for another bulk cycle especially with summer around the corner. thanks to all that took the time to read this!!!
Dmz is a wet ph. It causes prolactin issues and that is most likely the type of gyno your friend has. I bet he was not taking a AI tho.

N2bm has this Gk line, pick one, all of them are blends. You will want to get a all in one cycle support while in cycle. Take hcgenerate the whole time to keep your natural T production going so u don't go threw shutdown again and make sure you have a good pct lined up.

Nolva or clomid. Hcgenerate ES, liquidex.

During pct you can run a sarm, osta is the best for overall and isn't supression until higher doses. It's almost like the cycle gets tuned down a bit but keeps going.

U can take it for 8wks too. I always am talking a tiny dose of an AI when on a ph or sarm. Controlling estrogen is the key. It seems u know a bit so be smart and keep reading man.
Your right he wasn't taking an AI. As far as me, I looked into all the products you named. Seems that N2bm will be my cycle support as well as hcgenerate, and then nolva as my pct. What im still unsure of is what ph to acutally run. With sooooo many out there its tough to sort thru whats what.
Im 18 going on 19, 5.11ft, fluctuating from 13.4st - 13.10st.
I have been training since I was 15. I'd say I understand a good maintained proportion of diet and cardio and nutrition. I have built a solid base in this time putting me ahead of most my age. I truly believe I can achieve my goals and come out healthy and weighing a hell of alot more.

Insted of making this long with my Diet Intake, feel free to ask me.

A quick jist of my weights:

Bench Press: 80-90kg, depending on low carb or high
Shoulder Press: 28kg Dumbbells
Curls: 20kg, dumbbells
Dead lift: 60-80kg, I hit them light and controlled

You can regard me in anyway you like but I'd like your knowledge.
I have followed these forums anonymously for awhile now and have gained alot of knowledgable information.

Looking to do a cycle of Test E as a base and either Deca or Dianabol. Im unsure wether to pyramid the Test E or not, I am good associates to old school doormen who have mentioned this technique. This being why I have asked the question.

Week 1-5: Dianabol - 50mg OR Week 1-10: Deca - 500mg
Week 1-10: Test E - 500mg to start and increase to 800mg
Week 10-12: Test E - 250mg?

Tamoxifen on hand Incase of Gyno.

Week 14-18 - Arimidex And/Or Clomid

Appreciate any advice given, sorry to hijack the thread.
Im 18 going on 19, 5.11ft, fluctuating from 13.4st - 13.10st.
I have been training since I was 15. I'd say I understand a good maintained proportion of diet and cardio and nutrition. I have built a solid base in this time putting me ahead of most my age. I truly believe I can achieve my goals and come out healthy and weighing a hell of alot more.

Insted of making this long with my Diet Intake, feel free to ask me.

A quick jist of my weights:

Bench Press: 80-90kg, depending on low carb or high
Shoulder Press: 28kg Dumbbells
Curls: 20kg, dumbbells
Dead lift: 60-80kg, I hit them light and controlled

You can regard me in anyway you like but I'd like your knowledge.
I have followed these forums anonymously for awhile now and have gained alot of knowledgable information.

Looking to do a cycle of Test E as a base and either Deca or Dianabol. Im unsure wether to pyramid the Test E or not, I am good associates to old school doormen who have mentioned this technique. This being why I have asked the question.

Week 1-5: Dianabol - 50mg OR Week 1-10: Deca - 500mg
Week 1-10: Test E - 500mg to start and increase to 800mg
Week 10-12: Test E - 250mg?

Tamoxifen on hand Incase of Gyno.

Week 14-18 - Arimidex And/Or Clomid

Appreciate any advice given, sorry to hijack the thread.

sure your making the right choice??? thread jacker
Talk about a COMPLETE thread jack attempt. But to aswer your question Taylorweight, you to young still, try again in a few years.
I stayed pretty lean on dmz. I was also doing a lot of OLY which burns a lot of calories. Ive recently done hdrol, superdrol and dmz. DMZ was by far my favorite. I didnt get gyno either which i did on superdrol.
I'd take oxandrovar. Very close to real var. it's one of the n2bm ph"s. Check their site.

To the kid whose 18 and running tes/ deca.........Goodluck on that man. U said you ve been reading here and learning.....bullshit. You"d know that anyone in their teens shouldn't touch anything. Ur in so far over your head, you don't have a clue
arimidex will help a lot on getting rid of gyno so get him to get that.

Use it if you get gyno and keeping everything on check.

I would say run a cycle of 400mg of test per week and pin 120mg EOD...if you start getting gyno take 1/2mg of arimidex with each pin (which is EOD).

Also make sure to take your basics like fish oil (Muscle Pharm Core Series Fish Oil) and multivitamins (Orbit Nutrition - Buy Universal Animal Pak At A Discount!)

to the 18 year old....don't fuck your self up kid. Pay your dues. Seriously. You still live with your parents and I'm pretty sure that grown ups have to feed you...don't do a cycle yet.
Unable to post a new thread so did it this way!

Thanks for the replies. I understand everyones concerns but Im asking for that little extra advice, not approval.
My mind is made up and with acceptance of all the possible side effects. Gym has been a big deal to me and unfortunately I fount out 2 years ago I had a kidney disorder which meant they were working 70% of what they should be, with possible deterioration. Which I know steriods do affect kidneys

Say in 5-10 years or maybe 2, I wont know as this condition is rare. But if i never get the opportunity to train again, I know full well I will regret not making life what it is now and steriods being on my bucket list as such. Cheers again everyone
unfortunately I have no connections or way of getting any injectables right now so im left with just prohormones. I just passed the info on arimidex onto my buddy, hopefully thatll help him a bit.Gonna go look more on n2bm's website since it seem to keep coming up everywhere I look as a good place to shop, see what this oxandrovar is all about.
OP did you ever decide on what you were going to run? Helladrol or Epi Strong from muscle research/mrsupps would have been good choices..... Can't ever go wrong with a SARM (or combo of them) from sarmssearch!!!