need help with blood work results. feeling terrible


New member
Got my blood work done after feeling bad for a few months. Started having rapid heartbeat , pounding heartbeat especially the morning after doing any drinking, anxiety, not sleeping good, etc. I have found that drinking lots of water has helped a lot so apparently I was mostly dehydrated. I've beend having to pee like crazy even at night I wake up at least every 2 hours having to go. I'm guessing the low estradiol is causing this? My doctor looked over the results but he said it wasn't really his area and I needed to see an endocrine or whatever doctor. Lpoking to get advice and opinions because I don't know a lot about reading the lab results. Thanks for any help and yes it was taken in thE morning
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The estradiol is the old test... not that low to cause your symptoms IMHO.

I was having irregular heartbeat problems and my potassium was just slightly high like yours is. I can't say definitively that the two are linked, but hyperkalemia (excess potassium) does have irregular heartbeat as a symptom. Enough potassium will stop your heart. I just don't know if being over by that little can really cause those issues.

It looks like you are consuming more protein than your body can use... maybe ease up on your protein consumption to bring that BUN and BUN/Creatinine ratio down.
When this started happening I had a headache and when I would blow my nose it would be like it was bloody. The next week I started having a pounding heartbeat and panic attacks. This is started when I wasn't working out anymore and I was drinking a lot. I was thinking maybe the dehydration started it all. I've never had problems like this before and I haven't been on a cycle for a while. The doctor had prescribed me lexapro and it was making me feel bad so I got off after about 2.5 months and I've been off of it around a month and half I guess. I feel much better now but still having the dehydration issue and seems I get the increased heart rate mostly after eating. I probably have peed like 8 times since 730 this morning. It's seems I just can't hold onto water and I think that's the majority of what's causing everything though I could be wrong.
far as protein I've been eating about 6-8 Oz of chicken or beef 3 or 4 times a day so I'm really not eating that much

That's still up to 300 grams of protein per day... the Nitrogen in your blood suggests it might be more than you need.
Stop your drinking or stop aas, one or the other, as drinking alcohol doesn't really help with anxiety if u have anxiety issues drinking just makes it worse and the same with your panic attacks, u have a prob in the boozing dept?
Coming from a recovering Alkie myself, once I stopped drinking, sober now for 3 years those symptoms went away
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Sounds to me like u need to quit the drinking, aas and drinking lots is a complete no no, all u mentioned here are signs of possible withdraws from alc
I quit working out for a while and then started the drinking a lot like 3 nights a week. When all this started happening I quit drinking. Now I only drink maybe once a week. I've pretty much decided to quit that too because of the pounding heartrate the next morning. I'm back working out again and I'm not on a cycle of anything. I'm having all the symptoms of low estrogen does nobody else think this is the cause? I read normal range is 18-30 mine is 16 which is below and maybe I'm just more sensitive to it being low? I just want to get to the bottom of it because I'm tired of dealing with this. any more advice is appreciated
Ok so I still haven't figured this out. I quit drinking and my nipples have gotten really puffy. I'm gonna go back for more blood work. What all do I need to check for? I do have a very small lump under the left nipple that has always been there but now they are really puffy and mostly just on the top half of them. they don't leak or anything and my estrogen level showed low so I'm unsure of what the cause is. I should add other side effects are low libido, no morning wood, low energy and trouble going to sleep at night but I sleep easy during the day, having trouble getting rid of abdominal fat
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Nothing is jumping out at me, even though you have quite a few high markers, but if you're dehydrated during the draw - that can easily explain them. I'm assuming you're suffering from allergies or getting over as cold given your WBC and -phils counts. If not, you may want to get tested for both a urinary tract infection and a GI tract infection.

Are you on any meds for blood pressure or anything else by chance? Your estradiol is on the low side, but it's pretty close to being in the proper ratio with your total testosterone.

I would go donate blood though, based on what I see at this moment in time as your hematocrit is getting up there. For anything else, I'd need a little more information. Any diet changes too by chance?
Thanks a lot for taking the time to check this out. I'm not on any meds at all. I got on generic lexapro when this all started but got off of it because it made things worse and I knew there had to be an underlying cause for this to happen all the sudden. Far as diet I started eating mostly chicken, ground beef, brown rice and salads. My last cycle pct wasn't any good. I only took a small amount of nolva probably not enough to even help. It seemed just after the testes came back to normal size is when it all hit the fan. The fact that my nipples have gotten a lot more puffy I don't understand either and it's like the areola has gotten bigger too
Other than eating less protein and drinking mor water to give your kidneys a break I don't have any other ideas.

How many grams of protein do you eat daily?
Thanks for giving it a look I figured my best bet was to ask the 2 of you if I wanted to Maybe figure it out. I'm not sure how much I was getting each day but I'm 180 5'8. I was eating I would say around 6 Oz of chicken or beef 3 or 4 times a day. I wasn't on a strict first just trying to eat health. My guess would be around 225. Now I'm just eating whatever and nothing has changed. From what I've seen there's multiple things that could cause my symptoms. I guess I'm gonna shoot for one thing at a time and see what happens. So as far as the puffy nipples what should I get checked for with blood work to see what the cause may be. I seem to be holding water fine now it's like my hormones are all over the place probably due to the lack of a good pct last cycle. I plan to get a better look at thyroid and check prolactin and dopamine next blood test. Just wanted to be sure there wasn't anything else I should have checked. Also should I try running some clomid or something since my last pct was crap