Need help with cutting.


TRU Krookdale Crook
Alright Guys, I'm going to Portugal in 7 weeks. I just finished my post cycle therapy (pct) from my tren/prop cycle. Here's were I need the help. I'm roughly 12-13% BF, want to get down to 10. I'm 5'9, 200lbs. Just wondering what would be the sufficient amount of calories, carbs, protein and fat to take in per day to loose the unwanted bf? Also how much cardio should I do and for how long of a duration? Any help would be appreciated, normally I would just take my time cutting down, but I only have 7 weeks and want the quickest results. Also Am trying to maintain as much muscle as possible.

Any help would be great guys.

Never mind. Opinions are still welcome to this thread. But I just read one of the stickies and it pretty much helped me out. Sorry I should of done that first. Lesson learned :)