clee said:
No shit. SUST....but its still very hard to keep levels consistant, and get the most out of your test unless you inject ed, or eod.
I have to strongly disagree with you about shooting ED or EOD. Sustanon (sust) was designed for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) shots and to be given every 2 or 3 weeks. If it gave one uneven blood levels, it never would have been approved for that purpose.
You guys seems to forget that all Sustanon (sust) esters release the same drug - , testosterone, into the bloodstream.
Also, all test esters start releasing test immediately...
The following is a post by Andy13 about this:
The model of sustanon compared to esters of various other half lives shows that sustanon is much, much, more like a single ester testosterone than you might think. I too believed that blood levels would be more difficult to control, compared to TE for instance.. until I plotted this..
I think there is A LOT of misconception about sustanon. There is an infamous thread that has been claimed by more different authors than I can count. I'm not talking about paraphrasing either. This gets cut-n-pasted, word for fucking word, and the sad part is that is it ridiculously erroneous and misleading. It's pretty much entirely shyte except for the few instances where universal, 'impossible-to-fuck-up no-matter-what' type of 'good' information such as "inject more frequently" is given.. But even then, it is buried in so much illogical garbage that the principles are skewed. I hate this post.
This is a huge reason why many BBers do not understand the concept of the ester. I'm not talking about knowing "longer ester= longer half life, shorter ester= faster acting. Knowledge of (only) this trivial information is dangerous. I remember when I first learned about esters and had only this understanding.. I thought I knew everything there was to know. It turns out that this isn't even the half of it.
Back to my rant about this infamous sustanon post, the author clearly does not understand how esters work. The common misconception that I (and probably many others) had once is that in sustanon, the prop releases first, and then the phenyl prop, followed by the longer esters (but later). After all, the longer esters don't kick in until week 3 or so, right? Nothing say's "I have no fucking clue about esters" quite like the latter statement..
This fundamental lack of understanding is something I feel is important, and I have made it my life-long goal to take the time and try and explain this (100's of times) to those who have been misinformed. A good many of them don't give a shit. They want the bottom line, after all, who gives a shit about esters during their 10-month winter hiatus from the gym? I can certainly appreciate that... Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) mentoring isn't for everyone and everyone shouldn't do it.. The problem is that it is usually these dudes (who care only to know where to stick the pin) that are the first one's to regurgitate the shit they heard yesterday, thus doing their part to perpetuate the cycle of ignorance…
Next time, I’ll tell you how I really feel about the idiots in this sport who litter the boards with filth and plagiarized garbage..