Need help with test e cycle


New member
I am currently 18 years old, 5"10, about 175 pounds. I have started my first cycle of test e @ 250mg a week, starting 25mg of proviron approx 3 weeks into cycle everyday until end.
I have 2 questions
1. what kind of results should I expect from this?
2. What PCT should I take and for how long and the dosge?
I just administered my second shot today.
Thanks for the help and any advice pertaining to my cycle would be greatly appreciated.
You threw me for a loop. The title refers to a cycle, but then I see you are just taking a TRT dosage. So which is it? Are you running a cycle or doing Testosterone Replacement Therapy to treat Low T?

By the way, you are too young to use AAS. Your endocrine system is still developing and this can cause serious permanent damage to it You should stop immediately and begin PCT.
I know about the age part. Thank you for your concern. And this is not for low t its a cycle. just a very ow dose cycle, because I didn't want anything too serious
Why shut down your HPTA (your natural testosterone production) only to inject a dose that will get you back to essentially the same Total Testosterone serum level? You are taking all the risk of a cycle and getting none of the reward.

Do you realize that taking exogenous testosterone shuts down your natural testosterone production?
I know about the age part. Thank you for your concern. And this is not for low t its a cycle. just a very ow dose cycle, because I didn't want anything too serious

too serious? 250 or 500, your HPTA is going down for the count once the Test E kicks in
Dude, 250 mg a week will do the same damage to your natural system as 750mg a week. Shut down, is shut down. There are different degrees of being shut down. Either get off and go on PCT, or take at least 500mg a week.

Don't be a dumb ass. Your too young to be on gear. At this point you run the risk of permanently damaging your natural system and having to be on TRT for life. Not to mention it could have some negative Psychological effects that you will have to deal with the rest of your life.

Eat right and train hard. You will grow. After 5 years of hard work if you still think you need it. Then consider it.