Need help with Test Enanthate


New member
Hello, I am new on here and was wondering if some of you could help me please. I am 35 yrs old and have been going to the gym 4-5 day's per week for the last 4 yrs and I have seen a lot of gains but I was wanting more. So I tried for the very first time Test Enanthate this past Thursday. I only did 1cc and that same night I started noticing a itchy and tingling feeling from time to time. That same night I also used my pre workout and some creatine. My pre workout has niacin in it. Not sure if that could be a issue as well.

Any suggestions on what I could do to help this situation I would really appreciate it. If this is the way I am going to feel after every time I do a injection then I will stop right now. Thanks again for everyone's help and time.
Sounds like the niacin. Have you taken it before? Did you get flushed?

Tell us more about your cycle. What are you running? Dosages? Length of time? Pinning frequency? Etc.

Height? Weight? Body fat %?
I have taken plenty of pre workouts before with niacin but never had any effects like this until after my injection. The pre workout that I am currently taking is Legend by Cutler nutrition. I was going to run a 12 week cycle of the test E starting off with 100mg 1st week then 150mg the 2nd and 200mg the 3rd and staying at 200mg through the rest of the cycle.

I don't really know what you mean about getting flushed, sorry still new to a lot of things.

I am 5'10 225lbs at around 19% body fat.

Hopefully this helps more with my question. If not I will do my best to try to answer anything else that might be needed. Thanks again for the help.
Google niacin flush.

So all you are going to run is test? No aromatase inhibitor? No hCG? No PCT? Are you sure that is a well thought out decision?

There is no reason to ramp your test dose up like that. Just start at the full dosage.

This leads me to you choice of dosages. Do you understand that 200mg/week is considered a replacement testosterone dosage? I happen to be on TRT and that is how much I use a week. So I have to ask you, why would you want to shut down your natural testosterone production (and HPTA) only to take an exogenous replacement dose of test? Guys who choose to take these health risks when running a cycle seek to achieve supraphysiological testosterone levels. Most guys run 500mg/week on their first cycle.

I recommend that you read the Ology FAQs thread that is found at the top of this forum. It is a sticky thread. Don't take this the wrong way, but you seem to have jumped into this without doing much homework. That is a recipe for a bad health outcome.
I completely agree with you that I probably didn't do the research the best way that I should have done. I do plan on doing HCG and PCT but was told to take those after my cycle. Is this not the correct way to do it?

If I choose not to do another injection would I have to do anything to clean my system or to get my body back to where it was since I only did 100mg? Thanks again for your time.
Honestly, I think it would be in your best interest to stop your cycle for now and do some research before you hop back on. I think this will give you a lot more confidence going into a cycle when you determine you are ready to start again.

You should be fine just stopping after one injection. If you are worried, run blood work in a month and compare it to your pre-cycle blood work. Hopefully you ran pre-cycle blood work.

Start your research by reading the sticky threads in this forum. They are the ones found at the top of the page. Then come back to this thread and ask away with questions.
I completely agree with you that I probably didn't do the research the best way that I should have done. I do plan on doing HCG and PCT but was told to take those after my cycle. Is this not the correct way to do it?

If I choose not to do another injection would I have to do anything to clean my system or to get my body back to where it was since I only did 100mg? Thanks again for your time.

By the way, hCG should not be used after your cycle - in other words during PCT. hCG is suppressive to the HPTA. It should be used during your cycle to help minimize testicular atrophy which helps you recover faster after your cycle.