Need Help with Tren diet


New member
Hey guys,
I need some quick help on what to eat while on Trenagen 100...

Im 27 5"8" and about 165. with 18 bf

Im trying to lean up a bit and dont know if my diet is "clean up enough."

Right know i take in 2800-3200 kcal
300-350g protien and 200-275 carbs...

Should I change change this? Or lower the kcals to cut the bf alittle more?

Thanks guys

Eggs 2whole 4white,swiss chesses roastbeef(or 3oz of meat)
hour and a half later:
oatmeal 1/2 cup
black berries 1/2 cup
strawberries 1-2 cup
2 hours later:
chicken 6oz
and patato or spinch
hour and a half later:
Monster Mix and Hyper shock(awsome stuff!)
hour later:
4% gound beef 8oz
salsa with 1/2cup of white rice
Before bed:
Bsn shake

* while on tren u get super hungry and.. some times i eat a little more...
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post up ur current diet some we can tweak it from there
what is monstermix? if it something loaded with sugar i would stay away from it when cutting at least. also swiss cheese seems unneccesary. You could also remove the berries since they contain a bit sugar but that is not the first priority.

how much are you training?

all your meals except for the last one is in a timespace of 4,5 hour... whats up with that?
there is no way that diet adds up to 300-350g of protein..looks more like 150 tops. did you leave your supper out of that list?

why eat a meal with nothing but oatmeal and berries? why skip the meat in this meal?
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Thanks guys for the info so far.

i did miss a meal
8oz chicken (this totals the protien right at 297)

the monstermix contains 4g of sugar

As for the oatmeal and berries, i need more complex carbs so i add this meal should i delete or add a shake?
Thanks guys for the info so far.

i did miss a meal
8oz chicken (this totals the protien right at 297)

the monstermix contains 4g of sugar

As for the oatmeal and berries, i need more complex carbs so i add this meal should i delete or add a shake?
leave out all simple sugars and have around 100-250 g complex carbs max
at your bodyweight you only need around 250 g protein ..throw in some healthy fats and do cardio and ull lean up :)