my first advice is on your split... ideally to maximize your gains and allow optimal time for recovery and growth you only want to hit each musce group 1x week. that being said heres a sample split.. but many variations
day1- chest/tris
day7-repeat or rest
...keep in mind that we grow out of the gym, not in.
that being said you need enough quality food in order to grow. do you know how many caloires you are currently taking in each day?
If not write down everything that you eat for a week, calculate that..and if you have no gained weight, that is your approximate maintaince intake. from there being adding 250 caloires on top of that each week until you begin to gain.. doing it this way rather tehn slamming in tons of food all of a sudden will lead to unwanted fat gains.
Aim for 1.5g protein/lb of bodyweight when possible. Complex carb sources and EFA's... I look at it this way, you could easily down a ton of junk food but without proper nutrients coming from clean wholesome food your not feeding your muscles properally to grow.
Your post workout shake should consist of whey protein and dextrose(the plasmavol is great!) ONLY. no fats or anything else at this time. You want to spike insulin levels to shuttle nutrients into the muscle cells as quickly as possible to begin repair. An hour later consume a whole food meal consisting of lean protein and complex carbs, not fats again at this time as it will slow the rate of absorption..and we want to feed those muscles!!
Before bed keep carbs to a minimum and get in some protein and EFAS. for example cottage cheese(casein type protein, most slow absorbing) and flax oil or natural peanut butter.
hope that helped.. if theres anything else just ask away