need help


New member
so im fairly new to the prohormone world. I finished my cycle of guerrilla warfare and am now taking my post cycle. I have gained about 7 lbs. Im thinking of starting at hdrol cycle. And am not quite sure what all I will need. Can some one please tell me a doseage I should start with and what all I will need for during and after the cycle.
26 years old 65 inches tall 145lbs. I always have had a hard time gaining. I have the metabolism of a jack rabbit on cocaine
26 years old 65 inches tall 145lbs. I always have had a hard time gaining. I have the metabolism of a jack rabbit on cocaine
26 years old 65 inches tall 145lbs. I always have had a hard time gaining. I have the metabolism of a jack rabbit on cocaine

Hahaha ight...never used hdrol though brother. Heard good things, but not a fan of pro hormones.
Too sketchy for my liking...
im kinda sketch on going full anabolic because of being in the military. if you have any suggestions or knowledge you are willing to share I would greatly appreciate it
im kinda sketch on going full anabolic because of being in the military. if you have any suggestions or knowledge you are willing to share I would greatly appreciate it

Ahh I understand brother. Sorry no info on ph...
Wait around...someone else will reply...if not "bump" the thread.
Thanks for your service btw...if you are in the US that is lol