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Before the ban I was taken Legal Gear's M1T and Tribex from BIOTEST. I also had some Boldione from Molecular Nutrition that I was stacking I used 6-OXO for my post cycle. It seemed to fair pretty good results but since my deployment I have really dropped all my gains. I have 23 days of M1T left at 2 pills a day. I have been gone too long and don't know what is out there to stack with this after the ban I don't want to take it alone and I don't think I can get my hands on any 4-AD.
Prohormones are now illegal in the US, therefore asking for them is akin to asking for a source. This is not allowed.
I am not asking for a source I am asking about what supp's after the ban people have tried and that have shown some benefit also what if anything would stack well with the rest of my old cycle
Well that is because all I have is the rest of my M1T. I don't have any of what you call a good working substance.
hey try gaspari nutrition noveldex xt for test increase and estrogen control and legal gear recently came out with new formulas that supossedly are as powerfull as m1t but I've never tried them , plus you could take some trib also to boost LH.
Even with prohormones I always recommend you use the real deal when it comes to "anti-estrogens" during your cycle and for PCT. Nolva and clomid are so readily available I see no excuse for not using them.