Need Info!!


New member
Hey, recently I've been taking injectables. Also I am considering joining the air force though i am not positive if the medical pre screening tests the urine for it. I know rules and regs are changing and the Air Force is leading the way with it. If anyone has any updated info its greatly apperciated!! Ive tried researching and not sure what my recruiter would do if i told him.

Thank you!
the rules allow the base to make their own investigation. the postal service and some banks are in association with them, for example, if you bought steroids with your credit card or if you bought weapons with it, they will konw, as well with your adress, if you got pakages seized, they will konw what and why and when. if you got anything with anything outlaws, they have the possiblity to konw, the federal service could help the base in some cases... etc...

the new rules don't change parameters of the ancient medical points to follow.

what was in the past be still same by now.