Need Input on Deca - 1st Cycle


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Really Need Input on Deca- Thx!

I would really appreciate some info from you gals who have used Deca. My brother has just started me on my first cycle of 75mg/week. Just had my 2nd dose. I have been training for 2 1/2 years and feel like I have platoed. I am 30 years old 5'1" 118 lbs.

He is very knowledgable on AS but I fear that he doesn't know enough about females on AS. Are there any users out there that can give me some first hand input. My diet is and has been very good. I want to lean up and build more muscle - goal.

One more thing... Hear alot about "Deca Dick" for the guys. Does this screw with us gals in that department

Thanks a ton!!!:newbie:

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Ok, Im no guru with female use of anabolics but my gf has been using for years so here it goes.

I think Deca was a bad choice for you personally. Its nots really a beginners drug thats for sure. The ability to get harsh side effects from Deca is very high and by not trying some of the milder drugs out there like primo, Anavar (var) or even EQ, you dont know what your threshold is. Getting a deeper then normal voice, clitoris enlargement, hair growth in places you never got it before or even possible jaw growth is not something you want to mess around with.

Ok, so there is the semi-lecture. Here is some advice. Dont expect to get too lean using the Deca. When my gf used it, she said she got really bloated. This may not happen to you as side effects generally dont mimick 100% from person to person but she told me its not something she would ever do again if she was trying to get lean. 75 mg/wk seems ok. Most of the girls here will probably tell you that it is a "little" on the high side for a first cycle. See, back to the other point I made, this may not be a high dosage for "you" but it is hard to know since you did not experiment with milder drugs to see how you reacted.

Basically Im kind of torn. I honestly dont know if I would recommend you stay on the Deca and finish the cycle or if you should switch it up and go to something a little more mild. Anavar at 10mg/day is a nice beginner cycle for a female. Id personally say to start at 5mg/day and work your way up. There is also the Primobolan option but honestly, the chances of getting legit primo these days are only a bit better then Arnold coming out of retirement to win the Mr. Olympia this year.

Ill tell you what my gf feels works best for her. EQ. She absolutely loves the stuff. She doesnt get bloated at all on it. She puts on some quality muscle and stays really lean on it. She also says that it is one of the best drugs for strength that she has ever tried. She has even gone as high as 200mg/wk with basically no side effects. Mind you she has been doing this for some years. Of course, I would never recommend such a dose to a beginner. Maybe 50mg/wk, that seems like a good start. Run that for about 12 weeks but always keep aware of side effects. I feel for you woman. Most side effects that males get are meaningless. At least for the most part they are temporary side effects. You women can mess yourselves up for life. I dont mean to gross some of you out but Ive seen some female juicers with some very unappealing areas down south from being careless with the gear. Also permanently deepening your voice is not something that many girls wish for come christmas time.

I dont know what else to add. Sorry, I wish I could help out more but you'll just have to wait for our female gear gurus to come online. Supergirl is usually on late at night and Im sure she can help you more.
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Thanks a million for your reply. Funny you should say... I am just into my 2nd week and already extremely bloated. Your comments have me concerned to no end. Especially when speaking of the side effects. I would love to hear more from gals who have tried this. I will look into some of the other things to try. And no prob, lectures are okay, only way to learn. So the big question..

To say on Deca and finish the cycle or get off and take another route. Lookin for the best route for me. Must say though I am gettin' a pretty damn good pump as soon as I start my work out!

Please keep them coming. I am extremly interested to learn more worried about taking another dose.

Thanks again....
Hi AZ... Welcome to Steriodology!!

Biggie hit the nail on the head... Deca is a bit harsh for a beginner.. You can get irreversible sides and you WILL bulk up more so than with a milder androgenic such as anavar. As you are already experiencing the bloat associated.. your libido could go either way.. some say it goes up, others complain it goes down.. kinda like with fina.. and the thing with AAS, it effects women differently then men obviously, but it also effects each individual woman differently.. so what works for one may not work for another...
With that said..
IMO, i lower your dosage to 50mgs a week if not even lower.. 75 is just too much. Make sure your diet is really clean.. this will help a bit with the bloating and also will allow you to gain lean body mass rather than bodyfat/bulk... If you start experiencing virilization (masculine sides) STOP IMMEDIATELY.. although remember.. deca is long acting and will keep working in the body for a couple of weeks... This is one of the reasons deca is not a beginner's drug because you are not familiar with virilization and when sides become apparent, it is often too late...
also, IMO, i would of suggested a more anabolic steroid such as anavar or light primo for your first cycle...

Honestly AZ.. at this point, just lower your dosage, eat clean, and monitor your body VERY closely... or get off.. but you should definitely be concerned about sides! Biggie mentioned the possible sides you can get.. so just keep alert...

Best of luck and do keep us posted as to what you decide to do.. and any concerns post away.. we are here for ya :)

luv super

Thank you for taking the time. First of all to everyone, it's great how everyone helps one another here. I just discovered this site and have to say you are all great and am very happy to know it's out there. With that said.....

Here's my decision. I will drop down to 50 mg and finish the cycle. Question--how long do I stay on this cycle? 4 weeks? I will monitor diet extremely closely - Tons of water and lots of cardio. After I see the results, if I need to try a different Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I will do some educating on Anavar and light Primo. My body is already more bulky than lean so I'm hoping the bulk doesn't get out of control on this. But I will talk your advise on trying to achieve lean body mass with diet. I already have trouble wearing jeans with my quads being so bulky. Really need to lean it up and especially with my height. Just lookin' a little to thick!

Hell, Lets hope that libido goes up girl!!! Nothing wrong with a little extra stimulation!!

I will keep everyone posted as to how my body is reacting to this. Again, can't thank you enough.....

P.S. How do you post photos here-If results are good I would like to share.

Luv, AZgirl~:cool:
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AZGirl said:

Thank you for taking the time. First of all to everyone, it's great how everyone helps one another here. I just discovered this site and have to say you are all great and am very happy to know it's out there. With that said.....

Here's my decision. I will drop down to 50 mg and finish the cycle. Question--how long do I stay on this cycle? 4 weeks? I will monitor diet extremely closely - Tons of water and lots of cardio. After I see the results, if I need to try a different Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I will do some educating on Anavar and light Primo. My body is already more bulky than lean so I'm hoping the bulk doesn't get out of control on this. But I will talk your advise on trying to achieve lean body mass with diet. I already have trouble wearing jeans with my quads being so bulky. Really need to lean it up and especially with my height. Just lookin' a little to thick!

Hell, Lets hope that libido goes up girl!!! Nothing wrong with a little extra stimulation!!

I will keep everyone posted as to how my body is reacting to this. Again, can't thank you enough.....

P.S. How do you post photos here-If results are good I would like to share.

Luv, AZgirl~:cool:

Cycle can be anywhere from 8-12 weeks... IMO 8 is sufficient as it will be in your system for some time after.. but that is only my $.02...

hopefully some female deca users will chime in too!!

You post a pic by attaching it.. very easy to do :)
my first cycle was deca, the water retention was a bitch, but i saw awesome results on it! good luck! :)

try some dandelion root for the water retention and really really watch the diet that you eat clean so you won't put on fat along with the muscle. my diet was not so clean when i was on, but the results were amazing, strength gains were wonderful, my body was hard, sex drive was very good :p the water will hang on for a few weeks after the cycle, but it will come off, just be patient! for the record, i kept all of the gains i made strength wise!
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Texgrl - Thanks for your input. So good to hear a little bit of positive results. I've been quite skeptical to continue with the cycle. Hell let me tell ya though you aren't kidding about the water retention. Thanks for the D-root suggestion. I'll pick some up. Just in these 3 weeks I have have tremendous results! Pumps are just awesome and believe it or not already increasing quite a bit in strength and size. God bless... Not to mention the sex drive! Holy shit.... what a bonus! Thanks Texgrl... Well keep ya posted.
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i didn't mention above, because it had already been said, but i would definitely decrease to 50mg, if i remember right i started at 25 for the first few weeks, and then up to 50 because i was tolerating it very well. aside from oily skin, H20, and *slight* swelling down below, plus the sex drive i really had no negative sides.
texgrl, super or anyone else for that matter - here's another thought; what about stacking this (if that's how you reference it) with clen? It sounds like people are having great results with that. Wouldn't mind tryin' it.

What do ya think?
i don't know that it would hurt, i personally would wait til after, clen really zapps my strength, and i would want to get the most bang for my buck on the deca. the bloat will go away pretty quickly after your cycle. what deca are you using, the fast acting? i didn't use the fast acting, and i must have been one of the lucky ones who got no negative sides. i took 2 *tiny* injections of test before, and "wow" bad sides immediately. thats the thing with women, you just never know how your body will react to what you are putting in it. like biggieswoles said, it can really screw you up if you are careless, thats the reason its best to go super low and longer on the cycles.

biggieswoles-question for you.......your girl didn't retain water with the EQ? i must be a damn camel, i retained water with the EQ, never got to finish my cycle, injured my knee, then i got sick, and had to cut it short after 4 weeks. i didn't see alot of strength gains with it, but i think its because i had to cut it short, and it seems to be slow to build, from what i've heard. i'd be interested in hearing more about her results, as i'm considering trying again in the winter with the EQ.
texgrl said:

biggieswoles-question for you.......your girl didn't retain water with the EQ? i must be a damn camel, i retained water with the EQ, never got to finish my cycle, injured my knee, then i got sick, and had to cut it short after 4 weeks. i didn't see alot of strength gains with it, but i think its because i had to cut it short, and it seems to be slow to build, from what i've heard. i'd be interested in hearing more about her results, as i'm considering trying again in the winter with the EQ.

Ya, Ive heard from at least 2 different girls on these boards that EQ had them holding some water. I guess we just have to chalk that one up to 'everything works differently on different people'. She actually did not feel her major strength gains until about 4-5 weeks in.

She got pretty vascular from it as well. Minor clit swelling but nothing major. As with most Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and females, her sex drive was through the roof. She found her appetite to be bigger then usual. She was taking one shot per week. 1 CC of QV EQ. She reported no pain from the injections. If I recall correctly, in the end she was up about 8-10 pounds from when she started. She used it for about 12 weeks I believe. Keep in mind that she is a naturally very lean individual. She can eat ice cream by the gallon and not put on fat. So I think that may have something to do with the water retention issue.
Txsgrl, I will find out today exactly which Deca I'm using. I am due for my next inj today, meeting up with my brother after work. Will drop the dosage down to 50 mg today. I'll find out then what it is. I'll be back on in the morning with the info on it. Think your right about waiting on the Clen. On my way to pick up the D-Root also tonight. Well see what that does..... Back at cha tomorrow!

Damn my f**ken appetitie is outta control! :wtf: Need some good snack ideas. Was eating alot of dried fruit but someone mentioned that had too much sugar and carbs and wouldn't be wise. What the hell can I eat besides chicken and turkey!!! Like the rest of us - that's gettin real old! Thanks Girl.

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AZGirl said:
texgrl, super or anyone else for that matter - here's another thought; what about stacking this (if that's how you reference it) with clen? It sounds like people are having great results with that. Wouldn't mind tryin' it.

What do ya think?

IMO clen is best reserved for "cutting" if you are still in the bulking stage, then i would hold off on the clen.. If you want to sweat more or burn a bit more bodyfat, get yourself a good ECA or NYC (or a stack of both), drink some black coffee prior to your workout for a little extra heat too... but i would wait on the clen.. that is just my $.02
You could stack deca with anavar if you wanted to.. that would surely shoot your strength through the roof and the pumps will be sick.. The thing with deca is that at first you will see an increase in your sex drive, but in a longer cycle, i have had women complain that it tapered off.. Anavar will help to maintain it more and anavar is so nice and anabolic it will also help burn fat more efficiently and make your skin and muscles tighter...
If you decide to run a stack, you definietly should max out the deca at 50mg and run the Anavar (var) at 5-10mg per day.. Just some food for thought :)

NOW.. on your snacks...
The dried fruit is ok, but in moderation and it is so hard to eat that stuff in moderation :)
One of my favorite snacks (giving away super's secrets here) lol i take a rice cake, a scoop of peanut butter, 1/2 slice banana... AWESOME snake that fills me up!!
Also.. veggies.. grab the veggies.. raw peppers, broccoli, string beans, salad.. fiber is awesome! and you can always add a tbs of peanut butter with it too... I also like to eat a yogurt in the early morning..
Worst case scenario, you can grab a protein bar.. one with higher protein than carbs though..
Just some ideas and thoughts :)

luv super
Super -

Can't beat the "food for thought". - Thank you... Yes I am still in the bulking stage, up from 118 lbs to 122 lbs and only into my 3rd week. So will take your advise and hold off on the Clen until off the cycle. I'm going to check out some threads on Anavar and maybe pick some up this weekend in Mex. Were only 1 hr and 45 away from there. I know what ECA is but not sure what NYC is (Yohimbine)??? I'll work that in as well. I am also taking protein shakes with glutamine after work out.

And Well.... Am I Honored to have your "secret recipe"?... Yes I am. Thanks a bunch. Sounds damn good.

Txgrl - yes I'm am using the fast acting to answer your question.

Girlz --- Take Care and Let see what comes my way next week.

Hay Txgrl:

Not much of an update here. Had 4 widsom extractions so didn't make it into Mex to pick Anavar (var). So have just continued on with the 50 mg doses. I am up another 3.5 lbs. Yikes 118 to 125.5. My diet is clean so a little frustrated with the weight gain - Although I must say most of it is water and muscle. I just started on the Water-X, havn't seen much success however this may take a few weeks to take effect. My work outs are phenominal - strength gains are increasing quickly.

My sister-in-law has also started this cycle with me, she is a member on here as well. Her stats are much different than mine and she is far more progressed in her body building. She has also seen tremendous results with really no sides at this point. I will get her to come on here and give us her update. I just seen her this weekend and she is looking pretty damn good! She loves the stuff. Her pump was so intense last week doin's shoulders she said she wanted to cry, it was soo tight and pumped it burned like a sun of a gun!

Well thats it for now. Thanks for checkin' in!

Look out for comments from "Pam". She'll have some good stuff I'm sure!.

watch your salt intake! i'm a camel, so i can relate to the water retention, just don't panic, it WILL go away, and then you'll love the beautiful muscle you have underneath! drink lots and lots and lots of water, especially with the pills!

the only other thing i can say is lift like a mad woman and enjoy the pump while you have it, its almost as good as sex ;)
You hit the it right on "Panic" is exactly what I did! So Thanks for the reassurance - There has been times I thought "I'm gettin off this shit" but then I get to the gym and I think damn "this is great!" So I will be patient and wait for glory day! Have to say the pumps are up there with the sex girl!!! Lovin' it!:D
i am just finishing up my first cycle. i chose deca too at 50mg ew and threw in Winstrol (winny) for the last four weeks at 5mg ed. i experienced many of the sides mentioned but not too the extent that i was worried enough to get off. i had a drop in voice (but my voice was very high to begin with so it's ok), oily skin, a little extra hair, high libido and clitoral swelling. oh and worst of all as far as i'm concerned lots of water gain. i also gained over 10lbs of lean mass and made mad strength gains. i don't think it was the best choice for a first cycle but over all i am happy with the results. well that's my deca experience. good luck girl!