Need more info, help is appreciated. Winny


New member
Hey everyone. Im going to be using winny and Test P in my cycle. .5ml of winny everyday and 1ml of test p every other day. I have Pct Clomid and nova. Is there anything else I need for this cycle? Thank you for your help.
How many milligrams of each? Why do you want to run Winny?

What cycles have you run in the past and how much AI did you use on those cycle? Why no AI this cycle?

Blood work?


Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %?
Welcome !

With 1 post I won t endorse anything stronger than 2 aspirin when your head aches.

Answer Mega s q s.
How many milligrams of each? Why do you want to run Winny?

What cycles have you run in the past and how much AI did you use on those cycle? Why no AI this cycle?

Blood work?


Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %?

My first cycle was tren and text e, 1.2ml each twice a week, I never used a AI but the cycle was only 3 months with the PCT. I obviously was not getting enough information. So here I'm trying to do it right. And I want to use it correctly. Im23, 5,8" 193, 13% body fat. So I'm trying to see what exactly i need. The whole 9 yards. Thanks for your help.
My first cycle was tren and text e, 1.2ml each twice a week, I never used a AI but the cycle was only 3 months with the PCT. I obviously was not getting enough information. So here I'm trying to do it right. And I want to use it correctly. Im23, 5,8" 193, 13% body fat. So I'm trying to see what exactly i need. The whole 9 yards. I need help with what supplies I need exactly and why. Thanks for your help! I want to run winny to shred up.
You should wait until you are 25 years old to cycle. Your brain / endocrine system are still developing. Cycling now can damage them.

Alos, expressing quantities in ml is not helpful. Not all gear comes in the same concentration. For example, you could tell me you took one tablet of Tylenol. But there are different strengths of Tylenol out there. Did you take 250mg or 500mg of Tylenol in this example?

How about answering all the questions I asked you?
hcg is what we use to keep the testies working while on cycle..

and blood work is just that.. you want to get bloodwork done to know where you stand naturaly

free test, total test, LH, FSH, e2 senstive assay are the important ones to get
OP - on your last cycle as well as this cycle do you have any idea how many milligram dosage you are taking - Ml is volume only
Example :
Masteron 50mg/10 ml - if I take two one Ml injections per week I'm getting 100 mgs per week
Test 400 - - if I take two one Ml injections per week I'm getting 800 mgs per week

Huge difference even though I'm taking the exact same ml of each