Need opinions from someone willing to help!


New member
I lifted for the whole school year and am starting to cut now. I am wondering if there is anyone that would take their time in helping me? I wanna know how my body will be once i cut if anyone is good at telling that? i have 2 pics. ALSO my arms are just really bulky and meaty looking, i dont like it, any advice
need honest opinion!!!! idc if its negative or not! be honest please. maybe also tell what i need to workon?? looking to just get a nice assbody for summer
yeah pretty much just started like 3 days ago. My body seems to look different everyday its weird. yesterday was lookin good today isnt. weird. what about my arms they seem meaty? any suggestions on what to work on?
goal is honestly just to have a real nice body. like the ideal cut muscular beach body girls love to be honest haha. not there yet i know
Your trying to cut? Your pretty skinny as is. Is get a good serious diet!! If your trying to cut I always bulk first gain some hard lean mass then change your diet, and your traing. If i were you I'd get sum nutritional help to put some meat on ya. Then when you get some decent mass cut it up. It's easier to cut up some nice mass then to cut up what you have. You feel me. What are your stats? Age weight height bf% we can prob assist you further with the numbers. You by all means don't look bad or anything. I just think its gonna be tough to cut up what you have cause your already skinny.
Your trying to cut? Your pretty skinny as is. Is get a good serious diet!! If your trying to cut I always bulk first gain some hard lean mass then change your diet, and your traing. If i were you I'd get sum nutritional help to put some meat on ya. Then when you get some decent mass cut it up. It's easier to cut up some nice mass then to cut up what you have. You feel me. What are your stats? Age weight height bf% we can prob assist you further with the numbers. You by all means don't look bad or anything. I just think its gonna be tough to cut up what you have cause your already skinny.

well i am 19 years old, idk BF i think around 12-14% i asked someone that knows their stuff,3J.
weight now is 167. Im not trying to look massive but just like... for example my ultimate goal is to look somewhat like matt mcconaughey. something like that is main goal.
Lol ya matty!!! Good deal. Ya I'd start but eating a shit ton of food and pack on some muscle. Then cut that shit up bro. 3j most def will help you out a ton.
well i am 19 years old, idk BF i think around 12-14% i asked someone that knows their stuff,3J.
weight now is 167. Im not trying to look massive but just like... for example my ultimate goal is to look somewhat like matt mcconaughey. something like that is main goal.

That dude is a pussy (not 3j) matt mcconaughey or however you spell his name.

You need to bulk're just a lil guy. Eat and lift heavy! :)
Your arms don look meaty bro, but you don't have big tri's or delts so from your side shot your arm looks undefined. I have the same problem. i have a wide chest some from the side it made my arms look small. But from the front they looked fine. I would say skip the cutting eat big and get big.
ahhhSounds good, any other advice? How long would it take to look like him tho for me?

Depends 110% on your diet and training. You have tons of natty test and are at the prime age to grow and develop well.
Get your diet nailed down and stick to it and you'll do well. The rest is just time :)
i made my mind up! I am going to start with 3J this summer start. Thank you so much everyone that posted and helped, you all helped me very much and I appreciate the help very very much! Goodluck to all of you in your goals as well!