Need opinions on a cutting cycle


New member
Just starting this off with saying I know you all are going to say wait until I am older to mess with any gear... And I agree mostly, which is why I don't want to take something to f*ck up my test levels or hormones later in life. I am 18 years old, 6foot yall and weighing roughly 195 at 8.5% bf.
My goal is to get as lean as possible but still gain a decent amount of muscle during the process. My diet right now is 1,800 calories a day with my macros at 40% protein and fats, 20% carbs. Every 4 days i will bring my carbs up to 40% and lower my fats to 20 for that day. I am just curious in what you all think the best cycle for me to take would be.. I was going to take test e 250 and stack with Clen along with arimidex as an ai. Then read up on it and realized that wouldn't be a great idea at my age.. Then started looking into dbol and Clen with arimidex.. And again starting to feel like it wouldn't be a good idea.. The only cycle ive ran is just anavar only while I was cutting, which I still saw lots of results but I think it was mainly from increasing my cardio and getting my calories/macros under control.. Someone recommended tren but I've heard it can really f*ck your body up without having test stacked along with it.. Please don't comment just to tell me to wait till im older.. I've been thinking about this for awhile and I am certain I want to take anabolics. I just want to do it in the safest way possible which is why I am here to get advice from people that might have been i the same spot as me. Thanks
If you need anymore details just let me know.
And why are you eating so little ? Fuck man just eat.

At 8.5% BF how much lower you think you're gonna go at a maintainable level? You know guys doing shows don't sit at 3-4% BF daily right? Sounds like your goals are all jacked up and you need to enjoy being a young man and lift big and eat big.
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The fact that you decided on compounds, read up on them, decided not to do that cycle, then read up on a different combo, read up on them and decided not to do them, tells me that you yourself know that you should not venture down this path just yet because once you cross the line there ain't no coming back.

Having said that, at 18 your only real worry should be to focus on your diet and read and ask all you can here and keep taking your moments of pause that you have been taking as you have the brightest minds not only in ology but nutrition and sports science/diet in our boards, I can attest to that.
Keep us posted and remember that success favors the prepared!
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Bro please don't cycle based on your post you are not ready. no matter the compound yiu will get shut down. At 18 you have stupid levels of test which telks me you don't have the discipline to put in the work it takes to succeed in this game and want the easy route. Taje my advice bro learn your body. Learn how to eat to gain weight, loose weight, get a good base and once your 25 jump on research everything. Compounds, esters, serms, ai's, pct familiarize yourself with everything gear related
Bro please don't cycle based on your post you are not ready. no matter the compound yiu will get shut down. At 18 you have stupid levels of test which telks me you don't have the discipline to put in the work it takes to succeed in this game and want the easy route. Taje my advice bro learn your body. Learn how to eat to gain weight, loose weight, get a good base and once your 25 jump on research everything. Compounds, esters, serms, ai's, pct familiarize yourself with everything gear related

Lol I don't have the discipline? I just lost 18 lbs in 4 months and only 6 lbs was muscle, I've been working hard for this. This is the best I've ever looked.. And I want more! It's not that i just want the results faster, but I want better and bigger results! Im fixing to place an order for test e 250, winny, and arimidex for during cycle and nolvadex for post cycle.
During my cycle im going to bring my calories back up to 2,000-2,200 range and try to get some decent muscle mass on
Lol I don't have the discipline? I just lost 18 lbs in 4 months and only 6 lbs was muscle, I've been working hard for this. This is the best I've ever looked.. And I want more! It's not that i just want the results faster, but I want better and bigger results! Im fixing to place an order for test e 250, winny, and arimidex for during cycle and nolvadex for post cycle.
During my cycle im going to bring my calories back up to 2,000-2,200 range and try to get some decent muscle mass on

Your eating less then my wife on her cutting diet and shes tiny, of course you're dropping weight. More food!!!!

That's not enough food on cycle either, your cycle calories should be around your cutting calories. Meaning you should be eating 2100 or a little more off cycle. You should be exploiting your first cycle and eating huge.

You have so much test naturally I am not seeing why its worth chancing to shut yourself down permanently, or stunt your growth. Have you ever read about growth platelets? Did you know AAS use at 18 can close them prematurely?

I feel like your so dead set on fuck my age I want to do it, that you forgo to actually read about WHY guys your age shouldn't be doing it. See you in 6 months in your next thread "dick don't work, sad, no libido, WTF, losing weigh, depressed, list goes on."
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You should know that below 8% body fat men will start to produce less testosterone naturally. 8% is about the lower limit of what you can maintain in a healthy manner year round. Add to that you'll be killing your natural test with exogenous test and you're gonna feel like complete ass when you finish your cycle. Even if you do a proper pct.

Like everyone else I'm in favor of you staying off the juice. Diet is the most important factor and you really don't have a good sense of what to do. You say you lost 18 pounds and only 6 of it was muscle- that's not a good ratio. Learn how to diet and how to spare your hard earned muscle.
Prove it w a picture or quit lying to my face son.
Death ensues at 4 and under.

8 percent
lmao...gow up son.

My sub woofers older than you.
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You've been thinking about this for a long time ??? Well your thinking is flawed. You come for advice but tell us what not to tell you.

Sounds like my 9 yr old grand daughter has more common sense. No turning back as Milton said. You don't eat enough as you have been told. You can make very good gains without AAS ESPECIALLY at your age.

So start reading MORE and using your imagination less.

Another thing, at 18 you think you are going to reinvent this wheel when you are talking to vets that have been using AAS and lifting for twice as long as you are old.

Eat and grow a brain.
Prove it w a picture or quit lying to my face son.
Death ensues at 4 and under.

8 percent
lmao...gow up son.

My sub woofers older than you.

Had to admit I was a little skeptic, if you're 8% and maintaining it can't see a reason anyone would be cutting or eating like a rabbit. Good time of the year to maintain then bulk in the fall and winter.

You also would of lost a lot less muscle if you had run a better deficit, you're way in the hole at 1800.

You're also going to fuck your self up, it doesn't seem like you've researched things much. Winny on a first cycle is stupid and it beats the breaks off your liver. Do you even know what a proper pct looks like? No mention of hCG either, don't care about your balls? We will see you in the TRT forum in a few years if you don't cease fire with the silliness. Anything worth having takes time right? Nothing happens quick or over night. If you're happy with your current look and the progress you've made then use that as your motivation to keep pushing hard. If all your stats are true then you're a big ass 18 year old and will do just fine naturally brother. Take a peak at the stickies here and the diet forum, if we can't deter you then just be safe and be aware of the possible repercussions.
Had to admit I was a little skeptic, if you're 8% and maintaining it can't see a reason anyone would be cutting or eating like a rabbit. Good time of the year to maintain then bulk in the fall and winter.

You also would of lost a lot less muscle if you had run a better deficit, you're way in the hole at 1800.

You're also going to fuck your self up, it doesn't seem like you've researched things much. Winny on a first cycle is stupid and it beats the breaks off your liver. Do you even know what a proper pct looks like? No mention of hCG either, don't care about your balls? We will see you in the TRT forum in a few years if you don't cease fire with the silliness. Anything worth having takes time right? Nothing happens quick or over night. If you're happy with your current look and the progress you've made then use that as your motivation to keep pushing hard. If all your stats are true then you're a big ass 18 year old and will do just fine naturally brother. Take a peak at the stickies here and the diet forum, if we can't deter you then just be safe and be aware of the possible repercussions.

I am actually choosing not to run a cycle since I just walked on to the football team at my college, UCA. And don't want to risk fucking that up, but what I don't understand is why everyone would dog on me and try to make fun of me when you all know damn well you were in my shoes once when you didnt know much about anabolics. You say it can stunt my growth or whatever, and then go on to make fun of how i will be back with a limp dick or whatever asking for help.
Many people do cycles at my age with little side effects, which is why I am here to LEARN how to do the cycle in the safest way possible. Before I just go make an order and start injecting random shit in my body. It's ridiculous how you all want to jump on my post basically just to tell me im an idiot and that im going to fuck up. If you really think im going to fuck up, then give me the advice I would need to run a cycle safely. Otherwise there is no other reason for you to comment, enless you are just seeking attention.
Yes I dropped 18 lbs
Im at 193lbs now
Had my bf% measured and it read 8.5%. Not some bullshit plastic bf measuring things.
Why would I lie about that?
Part of me loosing 6lbs of muscle in the process was from the gyneclamastia surgery i had to have. But I have gained all my strength back if not more, and weigh almost 20lbs lighter, that sounds pretty successful to me. Considering all I use is protein bcaa's and vitamins, and a clean diet.
Prove it w a picture or quit lying to my face son.
Death ensues at 4 and under.

8 percent
lmao...gow up son.

My sub woofers older than you.

If I knew how to post a picture I would, i will also show you the paperwork that said i read 8.5% bf.
Not saying it's 100% accurate, but that's what it printed off and told me.