Need quick response about to order products!!!!


New member
I am on TRT and I need to order some anti estrogen products before I go to work!

Basically i'm on 125mg/week of test E for TRT and I want to go ahead and start a cycle! I know that PCT is not needed HOWEVER I do know that I will still need to battle estrogen levels while on a cycle!

What product would you recommend and how much of it? The cycle I will be doing will simply be boosting my 125mg/week to 500mg/week for 12 weeks.

I need some answer quick please and thank you so much!
I kept seeing clomid everywhere is arimidex better?

Clomid is not an AI, it's for PCT. Arimidex/anastrozole is an AI, as well as aromisin. You don't need clomid.

before you order anything you should spend several days reading through the stickies and educating yourself some,, your planning on injecting/swallowing potentially class 3 illegal substances, might as well know EXACTLY what your doing first
Clomid is not an AI, it's for PCT. Arimidex/anastrozole is an AI, as well as aromisin. You don't need clomid.

before you order anything you should spend several days reading through the stickies and educating yourself some,, your planning on injecting/swallowing potentially class 3 illegal substances, might as well know EXACTLY what your doing first

I'm obviously going to be educated before I up the dosage and go on a cycle. But I want to get the order in.. So arimidex should be my choice?
Yes adex will be fine.

Your in 125mg trt what's your e2 on that protocol.

A good start for adex on 500mg ew is .25mg adex eod and adjust in 4 to six weeks after bloodwork.

Like Roush said you should read the stickies all this basic info is laid out there. You should probably have most of the basics committed to memory before blasting
I have always used adex out of habit, but from what I read aromasin may be better as far as lipid profile. I don't know much about the doseage other than 12.5mg is the standard, I don't know how often you would need to dose though. Look into it.
Don't forget to order your hCG as well unless you already use it for TRT.

I would recommend picking upmp raloxifene as well just in case you need to combat gyno.
Aromasin and hCG have been the perfect mix... for any and every cycle - for many years.

For light or extremely heavy cycles - these two have been the perfect match for me.