I'm currently running 11 sterone, s.d and h drol. Sterone gram a day s.d 20/20/20, h drol 100/100/100/100/100. Been running the sterone last 4 weeks and currently ending 2nd week of s.d/ h drol. P.c.t will be clomid 75/50/50/25, aromasin 25/25/12.5/12.5, erase 3/2/1 at the end. Testforce 2 started last week of cycle, running 8 weeks, all apropriate support supps, including no flush niacin and red yeast rice. 20gr fish oil a day. Extra liv52 and celery seed. ( will use tudoca next time) I've ran some great cycles in the past. 1st time s.d. outstanding compound! Here is my main question. I'm considering upping the s.d to 30 and running 4 weeks. I'm concerned somewhat about liver assault. Should I drop the h drol if I do this? I realize two methels sent a wonderful thing! No sides so far. By far the best cycle I've done. Please feel free to Tweek this plan any way you like. Critisisem is welcome. Apreciate your guys time.