Need some advice on this cycle


New member
This cycle worked great for a friend, and I was thinking of giving it a shot.
What's the best way to stack these products?
Is 2 months a good period?
What kind of side effects are expected?
Nandrolone Decanoate
Ilium Boldebal -H
Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone Enanthate

If it worked great for your friend, then why not do it his way?

And yes, that's not a cycle. It's just a list of compounds you have put together.
Sounds like this is your first cycle...

Why would you run Test Cyp & Enanthate (Plus the Sustanon?) ? Pick one or the other and run it...

Two months is not long enough, at least 3 or 4 would be better in my opinion.

Side effects vary from person to person but you are planning on running so many things that you would never know which AAS is causing what sides or how to combat it....

And running Anadrol on your first cycle???
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