Need some advice wether to use or not anavar


New member
Hi guys! Im new here. Not very familiar to steroids.
I've heard a lot of woman are using anavar and since im not getting significant results by myself im thinking if it could be effective to use it.

Im 24, 102 lb and 4 11 feet (1,4

I was very active but 3 years from now i stopped exercising and got really tiny! Im in my worst shape ever!
I've tried exercising for a while but didnt see any results at all, and also i dont have the strength i used to have. since im not feeling good with myself, very low self confidence i was wondering if i could start using anavar to build muscle and be in shape again!

Please give me some advice about anavar dosage, supplements and diet.
Im a little concerned about my voice and virility.
Yeah I really wouldn't recommend using Anavar for you and I think others will agree with me. Anavar and steroids in general are not something to be taken lightly...therefore I wouldn't recommend them even to the average gym goer because whats the point really? Anavar (for women) are mainly used by body builders, figure, bikini, olyimpic weight lifters, etc. These are people that have been in the gym for years without the use of any AAS, have their diet on point, and have a set fitness goal in mind. Anavar isn't a "magic pill" you dont just take it, work out 2-3x a week and eat whatever you want and expect to see results. If you're not seeing results from working out...I would take a hard look at what your workout routine and frequency is because it's just physically impossible to work out properly and see NO results whatsoever...

Not trying to be rude just trying to steer you in the right direction. I would try getting a solid exercise regime down (gym 4x a week at least) and eat a shit ton of food...start with supplements (protein powder, vitamins, creatine ) before even thinking about Anavar.
Also , what many people don't realise about steroids is, you don't just take it for 8 weeks, gain muscle and look good and then that it. when you stop taking it you lose the gains you have made from it. Especially if you are not firmiliar with proper training and diet, you won't be able to sustain the steroid "fake" muscle you've made.
Am i right in saying that guys? You usually lose gains post cycle?