need some advice


New member
I am 23, I have always been small but I have been working out off an on for 3 or 4 years and been at it for the past 6 months. I weigh 127.5 and I can not gain weight. i have been 127.5 forever! was thinking about doing about 5wk cycle of test e 500 a week. would that be ideal to put on a little weight? I don't want to juice for any other reason then to just gain a little weight that I cant do other wise what do you guys think? any suggestions?
I have metabolism is rediculous... don't get me wrong i'd like to gain some size too. I am a little nervous on juicing though, side effects and all being so small didn't know the effect it would have.
your diet could probably use alot of work before using any juice...and if you do decide to use any test e should be taking much longer than 5 weeks for it to work
that metabolism excuse is bullshit. I was exactly like you man. small frail and weak as shit. I trained natty for years on and off and didn't gain too much. then i smartened up and did some actual research on diet and what not. i was 124lb and gained to 188lb in one year time all natural. the gainer i live by is ISO MASS XTREAM GAINER by Ultimate nutrition. now i am on gear and sitting at 196. don't waste it and cause your self damage. get to where you need to be natty like I did. there is no excuse.. if done right, you will gain.

best of luck
Whats your diet look like? Total cal's daily, etc..??? Yes, 500/week of test is a great first cycle but lets try and fix some other things before jumping on gear. Besides, the more you get everything else in line FIRST, the better the gear will work.
that metabolism excuse is bullshit. I was exactly like you man. small frail and weak as shit. I trained natty for years on and off and didn't gain too much. then i smartened up and did some actual research on diet and what not. i was 124lb and gained to 188lb in one year time all natural. the gainer i live by is ISO MASS XTREAM GAINER by Ultimate nutrition. now i am on gear and sitting at 196. don't waste it and cause your self damage. get to where you need to be natty like I did. there is no excuse.. if done right, you will gain.

best of luck

He's totally right bro, trying to use your "metabolism" as an excuse SCREAMS noob. You need to force yourself to eat and you need to be snacking or having small meals every 2hr. I always reccomend this: Boost Nutritional Energy Drink from
to my friends who want to gain weight. 360 cal in about 3 1/2 gulps. Don't worry yet about eating clean as much as just eating a shit load of food. BTW I used to be a skinny guy, now turning into a bigger one. I used to weigh 135 now I'm sitting at 170 with 1 yr under my belt.
I am not using any excuse, otherwise I would not be on here asking for advice. I have always eaten about 6 times a day small meals, anymore and I yack.. I assume my stomach is small. It doesn't help that I take adderall for my ADHD, it is a major appetite suppressant... I have been drinking 2 protein shakes a day each with 2 scoops of heavy weight gainer 900 for about 3 mnths, I found that I can drink all I want just not eat all I want. So how do you guys think I can eat more if it comes back up?
I am not using any excuse, otherwise I would not be on here asking for advice. I have always eaten about 6 times a day small meals, anymore and I yack.. I assume my stomach is small. It doesn't help that I take adderall for my ADHD, it is a major appetite suppressant... I have been drinking 2 protein shakes a day each with 2 scoops of heavy weight gainer 900 for about 3 mnths, I found that I can drink all I want just not eat all I want. So how do you guys think I can eat more if it comes back up?

ok man.. listen up. im not trying to flame you here but to point out the obvious. two things are happening here 1 you are full of shit and 2 you are not training properly at all. because that physically makes zero sense that you are eating 6 times a day with two shakes and a gainer and training hardcore everyday and you gain nothing and are stuck... just not possible... something is wrong somewhere.. and taking gear will only temporarily fix that problem but cause WAY more for you. trust us here man we're trying to help you. PLEASE pm me with any questions about anything i can help you with.
I am not using any excuse, otherwise I would not be on here asking for advice. I have always eaten about 6 times a day small meals, anymore and I yack.. I assume my stomach is small. It doesn't help that I take adderall for my ADHD, it is a major appetite suppressant... I have been drinking 2 protein shakes a day each with 2 scoops of heavy weight gainer 900 for about 3 mnths, I found that I can drink all I want just not eat all I want. So how do you guys think I can eat more if it comes back up?

eating 6 small meals a day will just speed up your metabolism those need to be big meals as far as your stomach being small the more you eat the more it will stretch. you cant grow if you dont eat. even with aas if your diet isn't up to par then you wont put on the weight. eat, eat, eat, workout , eat, eat, eat, sleep