Need some advice

I have already ran two cycles of testosterone enthuse and dbol. I want to run another one but for right now only have dbol. Would it be worth it to just run dbol for 8 weeks or should I wait? Would the sides be just as bad with both or less just taking dbol. I received no sides from the first two just a little raise in blood pressure but after taking a few biology classes over the years the side effects have me a little worried but I def. want to run another cycle. Any help would be great.
Wait you need a ttest base and running dbol that long will wreck your liver and fuck your nuts period.
Right when i took the D before it was a the first 4 weeks of my 10 week of test but I had a buddy tell me I could just run 8 weeks of dbol by itself that obvious isn't true?
It will shut you down test will to but it helps support you I do not recommend orals without a test base bud orals dbol will fuck your dick up
YYa bro get test and rock and roll hell you got two cycles of dbol trade some for test dude be smart
Yeah good idea.. Kind of mad at myself I said I would only do one cycle because I don't want to ruin my body and this will be my 3rd cycle in 3 years or so.. Anyone having bad side effects after multiple cycles? Should I even be worried if I'm doing it properly?
i would not run that dbol for that long. I am not a fan of dbol . Seems like the water and side eff. is not worth it.
I also have a bottle of the pro hormone mdrol that I have heard a lot of good about just have taken dbol before with test and gained 20 pounds so I would rather go with what I know. Any inputs on mdrol?