Need some guidance on nipple issues


New member
Here's the back round :

Did a poorly planned cycle a little over a year ago no AI or PCT with no blood work.

Been on trt since July (which may or not be because of the messed up cycle) or age currently 100mg e7d. Have had peak and trough blood work e2 is low

About a month or so ago I started a thread about having gyno white rings around the nipples and lumps above the areola. Took advice ran letro and tomax till raloxifene came in ran it 60mg a day for 2 weeks and things cleared up. Now was it from that or did it clear up itself I don't know.

Now there are hard lumps under each nipple. They are sore to the touch I'm sure from poking on them.

I know there is no way to know it's gyno without being diagnosed by a mammogram or ultrasound I'm not asking you if it is gyno.

Should I just treat it like gyno? Raloxifene 60mg 2x a day for a week and then 60 mg a day for a month or so or till there gone?

Does this type of thing happen to some people who have been over weight and started trt?

It is possible to have lumps like this and nothing come of them?

Kind of worried sick.

Any advice would be greatly appriciated
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having a higher bodyfat % does make things worse for gyno issues and makes it more likely to get gyno from cycles aswell as other sides like high BP.
you can go for mamogram and blood work to see your estro and t levels.
I would highly rec Ralox for the gyno. dont do the "crashing your estrogen levels with an AI" approach, its not a good one. just block it for a little while in needed area and leave healthy estro levels alone IMO.
but understand in many cases to get rid of it , specially older gyno, you will need to get it cut out if you want it all gone.
good luck!
Good advice ^^^

Also keep in mind that Ralox and other medications can be hard for your kidneys to process. You should be cautious about taking high dosis for long periods of time. Make sure you monitor your kidney function.
having a higher bodyfat % does make things worse for gyno issues and makes it more likely to get gyno from cycles aswell as other sides like high BP.
you can go for mamogram and blood work to see your estro and t levels.
I would highly rec Ralox for the gyno. dont do the "crashing your estrogen levels with an AI" approach, its not a good one. just block it for a little while in needed area and leave healthy estro levels alone IMO.
but understand in many cases to get rid of it , specially older gyno, you will need to get it cut out if you want it all gone.
good luck!

Thank you
Good advice ^^^

Also keep in mind that Ralox and other medications can be hard for your kidneys to process. You should be cautious about taking high dosis for long periods of time. Make sure you monitor your kidney function.

Will monitor liver. Currently taking liv .52.

Mega I don't get it doing blood work and my e2 is consistently low it doesn't make sense to be having this issue dies it?

Flare ups here and there. Maybe I should be using an AI even though e2 is low or possible add tomax I've read guys using it during a cycle to help prevent flare ups.

What do you think?
If your E2 is low, I wouldn't take an AI to drive it lower. A low dose of daily Ralox or Tamox would be a good prophylactic against gynecomastia. I would personally feel better knowing that you actually have a case of gyno before you hop on meds. Get examined by a doctor. It could be something else.
If your E2 is low, I wouldn't take an AI to drive it lower. A low dose of daily Ralox or Tamox would be a good prophylactic against gynecomastia. I would personally feel better knowing that you actually have a case of gyno before you hop on meds. Get examined by a doctor. It could be something else.

Just curious, What compounds were part of the "poorly planned cycle"?

250mg test e 2x week
200mg tren e 2x week

Both for 14 weeks no AI, HCG or PCT and no blood work pre,mid or post

Wish I new then what I know now.
Had ultrasound yesterday. They said they are fibrous tissue and not gyno but they could be hormone related so dr wants to start me on adex. She wants to keep my regular e2 in the 20's consistantly. It has been as low as 20 and as high as 34. My e2 sensitve has been low both times I've had it done but I don't have the symtoms of low E2. I have nipple issues twice since being on trt so I'm going to give adex a try like the dr wants to.

They want to start me out way to high 1mg every 2 weeks so I'm going to start with .125mg day of injection and .125mg 3d after injection and see how I react and get blood work in about 3 weeks.