Need Some Help Guys


New member
First off, I'm new here. First post actaully ha. I'm a member on a few other boards, but this one seems to be very sufficient when it comes to knowledge and experience with prohormones. This is my question/explanation.... I just finished a 16 week cycle of test e @600-700 mg/wk, and currently doing post cycle therapy (pct). This was my third aas cycle, but I want to venture into some prohormones.

I'm not familiar with which companies are the best when it comes to prohormones, nor do I know much about which ones are the best for what. I'm wanting to run maybe a 5-6 week cycle that is a lean bulking cycle with a prohormone only. I want to see how well these actually do work. I was thinking of running this around june, when I'm certain my natural levels are good to go. There just seems to be so many prohormones out there by so many different companies, so I would like somewhat specific info on what company for which prohormone so I don't get stuff mixed up.

Reps to any help, especiall if a sample cycle is included :kiss: ha.

First off, I'm new here. First post actaully ha. I'm a member on a few other boards, but this one seems to be very sufficient when it comes to knowledge and experience with prohormones. This is my question/explanation.... I just finished a 16 week cycle of test e @600-700 mg/wk, and currently doing post cycle therapy (pct). This was my third aas cycle, but I want to venture into some prohormones.

I'm not familiar with which companies are the best when it comes to prohormones, nor do I know much about which ones are the best for what. I'm wanting to run maybe a 5-6 week cycle that is a lean bulking cycle with a prohormone only. I want to see how well these actually do work. I was thinking of running this around june, when I'm certain my natural levels are good to go. There just seems to be so many prohormones out there by so many different companies, so I would like somewhat specific info on what company for which prohormone so I don't get stuff mixed up.

Reps to any help, especiall if a sample cycle is included :kiss: ha.


seems like your going backwards which I don't see happen much but its cool your trying new stuff out and different ways to do things.check out i force protodrol I think its a great lean bulking agent or dieselbolan 2.0 either should be just what your looking for.

how did this last cycle treat ya? and what are your stats and age?

I'm sure you know of cycle support items and such but you could add in hcgenerate mid way through your cycle to help with shutdown and recovery. for post cycle therapy (pct) I would go with tamoxifen citrate.

theres more we could talk about but I'll start off with this stuff.
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you're going to want something that is "tren based". most of the good ones are now banned but there are still some places that have 19-nor based PHs sittin around.
i've also seen some people using epi for leaning. But if you want to go all out then check out a product called Tribol-60. it's a trip meth compound (i think it's tren, superdrol, and epi but im not 100% on that), so you will need some cycle support and i would not recomend staying on any longer than 4-5 weeks.
hope that helps,
you're going to want something that is "tren based". most of the good ones are now banned but there are still some places that have 19-nor based PHs sittin around.
i've also seen some people using epi for leaning. But if you want to go all out then check out a product called Tribol-60. it's a trip meth compound (i think it's tren, superdrol, and epi but im not 100% on that), so you will need some cycle support and i would not recomend staying on any longer than 4-5 weeks.
hope that helps,

If Tribo-60 has Tren, then tis not triple meth. Tren is a non-methyl. The only one effective without crazy high doses such as with Bold and the likes IMO.

But Tren is gone, lost its head on the chopping block last year. Every other PH left on the market will lose its head this year.

I too recommend Dieselbolan

Or Beastdrol

Before I go in depth, you understand all the goodies about most PH's being methylated, liver protection etc. Lets take Superdrol, that one is known for being the most potent PH/DS available. It and Tren, but Tren brings a unique spectrum of side effects to deal with and its already gone so...then again doesn't mean you couldnt "find" it. Otherwise Superdrols have great results, Dymethazine(two superdrol molecules held together by a bond) not as good from what I seen IMO. But also is the most capable of taking advantage of people who overdose and dont protect themselves...

From that it goes down in strength, but also down in side effects.

You have 3 cycles of injectables under your belt, what weight are you at now?

And as an FYI if you want to try PH's get em soon, many are making their last runs and then that is it...well...thank God for Europe ;)

Wish they would just legalize Test for everyone :D
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Zero- you are correct about tren being non-methylated.
also, i found the old chemical breakdown of tribol-60. it's a supetren, halodrol, superdrol combination. the "super tren" is suposed to be a new version of it that has been reformulated to meet the new PH laws. I haven't tried this product yet because im still recovering from shoulder reconstruction, but my friends who have ised it love it and my sponsor says all the guys he used to test it had amazing results.
you could also look into Boladrol. it's a new PH, i don't know much about it yet but from some of the reviews and logs i've been reading it seems to be pretty potent stuff.