need some help, hgh side effects - experienced users enter please


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so i have been on riptropins for the last 6 weeks (5on/2off). started at 2 iu's per day and worked my way up to 4. on top of that i was also doing the cjc &L ghrp6 combo x3 a day. i was on cjc & ghrp for a couple of weeks before i got on the gh. at week 4 or so the carpal tunnel started getting so intense i couldn't sleep but 3 hours or so. crazy forearm pains/cramps got me big time. the cramps get really intense at night and it's impossible to even get a halfway decent night of sleep with ambien. also got pain in my wrists and elbows. my left thumb is basically numb all day.....
so i then reduced my dose down to 2 iu's daily for a week... didn't do a thing really.
anyway, i have been completely off all peptides for the past 7 days and am still experiencing these side effects. i can deal with all the numbness and tingling but the cramps are too severe. how long am i expected to feel like this?

Any help is appreciated bros
it will go away in a couple weeks man. did you also drop the peps also? another tip is to go to walgreen's or cvc and get one of those cts braces. that will help you sleep better
thanks for the reply bro. i dropped all the other peps @ 4 weeks and went down to 2 iu's. then a week ago i went completely off the gh..

usually i dont bitch about side effects either, but man this is intense. i need my sleep lol

i don't know what i should do at this point. get back on @ 2 iu's/day and hope it gets better or just stay off.....

i got 2 of those braces btw, doesnt help me too much with the crazy forearm cramps
best trick that i have found in my research is to start off very low and increase from wk to wk. i know it is a huge pain but it cuts down on the pain a lot. start at 2ius for a wk or 2 then 3 and so on. if you are wanting to get back at it i say wait till the pain goes away then go another week and start back low and slow.

and yes i agree, sleep and pretty much doing anything sucks big time
yeah it sucks man. i forgot to mention i wrapped up my elbow to forearm in a heating pad and then wrapped that with an ace bandage. that helped some as well. it did go away eventually though fortunately
he is getting pain from water retention and pressure on the nerves on the elbow forearm and wrist. common among people that use gh and it is brutal and can and will keep you up all night long
he is getting pain from water retention and pressure on the nerves on the elbow forearm and wrist. common among people that use gh and it is brutal and can and will keep you up all night long

man, it hit me so damn unexpected too. i wasn't aware it would get this intense.

anyway after being off completely for like 9 days or so i was able to sleep again. I got back on at 2 iu's. sleep is okay, i still wake up 2 - 3 times a night because of side effects, but nothing i couldn't deal with. gonna ride it out at 2 iu's for the next 4 - 6 weeks and then MAYBE bump up to 3 iu's.

i appreciate all the help

i'm gonna try the heating pad as well
man, it hit me so damn unexpected too. i wasn't aware it would get this intense.

anyway after being off completely for like 9 days or so i was able to sleep again. I got back on at 2 iu's. sleep is okay, i still wake up 2 - 3 times a night because of side effects, but nothing i couldn't deal with. gonna ride it out at 2 iu's for the next 4 - 6 weeks and then MAYBE bump up to 3 iu's.

i appreciate all the help

i'm gonna try the heating pad as well

that's good to hear man that it subsided enough to be tolerable. my research animals get in the same boat as you do and i have tried every trick i could come up with to get it to go away. slow steady increase heat and the braces. let me know how long it takes you to lose the cts at night. it normally takes a good solid 3-4months for mine to go away
lawd have mercy lol

i really hope it won't be that long. for you, do these side effects stop completely at on point or another or do they just get more bearable with time?
lawd have mercy lol

i really hope it won't be that long. for you, do these side effects stop completely at on point or another or do they just get more bearable with time?

they completely go away man and it is a god send. seems to take forever to build up to 8-10 but it is worth the lack of pain to get there. at least for me that is. i like my sleep
So if I take GH I can look forward to this then?

not necessarily man. some people get it real bad some just a little for a short period of time and some not at all. kind of like how aas affects a lot of people different with gyno acne etc..... it is best to start off slow and increase slow to help keep them at bay though