Need some help to get my BODY at its best


New member
Hello I will explain everything I can think of to you. I will start with my stats, my history and my goals. then a lot of questions.


Weight: 147 lbs
Height: 6'3
Age: just turned 19
Schooling: Attending University
Body Type: classic skinny-tall, high metabolism
NO SHIT - im skinny
Right now my muscles look very ripped, I have a clearly defined six-pack however of course this comes mainly from my low body fat and general skinnyness. I need YOU GUYS out there with experience and knowledge to assist me in training. I could be a sort of project for you. I am not here for one time advice, I understand the only way to truly suceed is to have continuously measured progress and of course ask many, many questions.

-I have significantly improved my diet, but some recent changes (going to university) have been messing with my eating.

1. My first question: I read in a Chad Waterbury article that "soft drinks and cold breakfast cereals are physique killers" could you explain why exactly this is??.

Recently I have been drinking way to much soda at university but also eating a lot more (good) but im losing the bottom part of my 6 pack, i doesnt look quite so ripped.

-Can i just focus on gaining mass and then later cut the fat out and return to a cut 6 pack?

-Right before i started this newest eating binge, i was coming off a period of intense tripping where my weight was reduced and basically i was doing indirect cardio all day, i developed these wierd stomach muslces i cannot exactly describe, below the regular 6 pack and also under my pecs. strange but my girlfriend likes them.

-What exactly is serratus?

MY GOAL, which i think is reasonable -is to reach 170 pounds , solid and ripped, by June 2004. I really do need any help you can give me. And i will not be using AAS. I WANT TO GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN, i recently spoke to a fitness specialist who said that i was doing so little for my lower body and focusing so much on my abs-core and upper body that i needed to develop my lower body so that the rest could follow.

-i am realizing that for me compound excercies such as dips or chin ups are better at building arm strength than direct arm work such as concentration bicep curls. is this right/wrong as something i should focus on?

-i fortunatly have an almost unlimted supply of tuna , about 28 grams of protein in each. i have no problems eating tuna, how much should i knock back per day. also i have enough protein bars and powder, the bars have 21 g of protein in them

My diet:

-unfortunatly too much soda pop recently, i will be cutting this almost completly and replacing with skim milk.
-a lot of meat
-salad and soup every day
-too much pizza (this HAS to be bad)
-usually rice with meat
- i am not a fan of sweets and never overdo desserts. i also eat a lot of lean chicken breats and also a lot of cottage cheese and peanut butter. i need some tips here, university food is unlimited but not always the best.

- I have been working out for 4 years. Now that I honestly look back about 2.5 years of that were nothing more than muscle toning... strength increased somewhat........after reading posts on this site,,, all of Chad Waterbury's articles and recently two russian strength and conditioning books, i have been researching for about 1 year, i realized not that i had been doing everything wrong just that i did not have a lot of things working right.

- I know understand that I probably shouldn't be following training advice for a 25-35 year old 220 pound bodybuilder, using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or not. SIMPLY PUT: FOR MY BODY TYPE - I NEED A NEW WAY TO TRAIN, IM FAIRLY CERTAIN THAT I SHOULDNT BE TRAINED THE SAME AS A SUPER BIG GUY.

some of my training specfics:
standing bicep curl : 25 lbs - 3 sets of 12 reps
2 arm preacher curl: 35 lbs - 3 sets of 8 reps
bench press (machine) - 130 lbs 3 sets of 12 reps
tricep pull down - 50 lbs - 3 sets of 12 reps
overhead press - 80 lbs - 3 sets of 10 reps
lat pulldown - 120 lbs - 3 sets of 12 reps
please dont snicker and tell me you can do triple that or something, im here for your help.

i should also say that when i was 15 i was 115 lbs (ethiopean skinny) so i have defintily gone up more than 30 lbs since then, 3 full yrs later, fair progress i supose.

when stretching have been noticing sounds weird cracking sounds, esp. in shoulders and arms..... too much weight on joints??

this is a small bit of what i do in the gym, workouts usually take about 1 hour and 10 mins.

please help me get big as shit. im trying to be as serious as i can if you need more info about anything please ask me thanks a lot guys i appreciate it a ton.
:eek: :rolleyes:
THANKS BRO'S maybe some of u used to be fuckin small like me
What's up young blood!!!
So you want to be big nothing wrong with that.. What a serratus has to do with working out I have no clue but I think it does have to do with your teeth??? Well my hat is off to you not wanting to do ASS at your age,but it sounds like you're going to be a hard gainer just life...You sound like you know what to do you just need to do it, eat like a bad cow and you are going to have to go up weight after each set if you want to grow but not much maybe just add 5pounds to each set if that means you have to start lower so be it!!! But first I would go to the Doctors office and get a full bill of heath ( cracking sounds)!!! OUCH
Son your a goddamn bean pole and your head is up your ass. I'm going to help you pull that head out from your ass and help you wipe the shit from it. Your goal of 170lbs is bullshit at 6'3" you should want to weigh at least 250. Readjust your goals upward, the sky is the limit.

Most important is your diet you need to start eating QUALITY food like there is no tommarow. For breckfast eats eggs, meat, oatmeal and whole grain toast, wash it down with low fat milk.

midmorning protein shake made with lowfat milk 50 to 60 grams of protein.

lunch Meat, tuna , veggies and a good complex carbs 50 to 60 grams of protein

mid afternoon protein shake as before

Dinner same as lunch

pm protein shake before bed.

Time your workout so that you drink a shake right afterward.

I'm not even going to attemt to try and figure out what the hell that it is that your doing in the gym.

Heres a suggested workout
Day 1 Chest
Bench press
1 warm up set 5 working sets. 1/ warm up x 20reps 2/ add weight for 10 to 12 3 /add weight 8 to 10 4/add weight and do max 5/same weight max

Incline dumbell press same scheme (6 total sets)

Dips 3 sets max reps reps That's it for day 1.

Day 2 Back
Lat pulldowns to the front same scheme as chest 6 sets increase weight each set.

seated cable rows same scheme 6 sets

T-bar rows same scheme 6 sets.

Barbell shrugs same scheme 6 sets

Day 3 rest, eat, sleep and grow

Day 4 the most important workout of the week LEGS

45 degree leg press 1/warm up 30 to 40 reps 2 /add weight 20 to 30
reps 3/add wt 15 to 20 repe 4/ add wt max reps 5/ add wt max reps

Hack squats 4 sets of 15 to 20 reps.

Leg ext 4 sets of 15 to 20 reps

hamstring curls 4 sets of 12 to 15 reps.

Day 5 shoulders, biceps and triceps

seated military press with dumbells
same scheme as chest 6 sets.
Dumbell bicep curl 6 set of 12 to 15 reps
Tricep skullcrushers 4 sets of 12 to 15 reps
Tricep pushdownd 4 sets of 12 to 15 reps.

Train heavy or stay home no pansey ass shit. At your stage never train longer than 45 muns to 1 hour 4 times a week keep all aerobics to a minimum.

the serratus is the small muscles below the lats and above the obliques on the side.

On the week ends rest and eat and by all means eat pizza.
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Harsh but damn right. I agree with pretty much everything there. I mean, i weigh 160 lbs, but I'm only 5'4", so being 10 lbs heavier and a foot taller you're still gonna be skinny. 200 or more is what you want.
1. My first question: I read in a Chad Waterbury article that "soft drinks and cold breakfast cereals are physique killers" could you explain why exactly this is??.


The body breaks these down first simply because it is easier to break down for energy than some of the other compounds you ingest. When this occurs, the more complex carbs and things (over time) get stored in the body as fat.
ok thanks for the help for now i think i will build a new workout based on this advice and post it for fine tuning.

thanks for the advice guys.
ok thanks for the help for now i think i will build a new workout based on this advice and post it for fine tuning.

thanks for the advice guys.
