need some info!


New member
I did a cycle of deca and sustanon about 3 months ago, but my cycle was screwed up cause of some problems at home. i have not worked out for 3 months, that is, right after my last shot i could not workout.

I am planing to start another cycle of the same sustances, but is it safe to have another cycle after 3 months gap?

plz do reply!
How long were you on the Deca & Sustanon (sust) cycle? Did you conclude the cycle with any post cycle therapy (pct)? And why not start working out for a bit before starting this up coming cycle?
I did a 2 months cycle of deca & sustanon. what is post cycle therapy (pct)? if u mean using pregnyl & trmoxifen, yeah i did take em for a month.

ok how about i start working out with supplements like whey & mega mass 2000, for a month and then add the cycle with it?
PCT = Post Cycle Therapy, like Clomid, Nolvadex, even HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). Using protien and all is good while you are training, but you should wait til you get back into shape before hitting the roids again.

bleachcola said:
If you are coming off a three month break with no lifting then do it naturally for awhile. Get your lost strength and muscle mass back before starting another cycle.

bleachcola stated it perfectly on your other thread.