Need some opinions..............,


New member
12 week cycle
500 mgs tren e-250 mon 250 thurs
500mg test e- same
.25 adex eod
caber on hand

1g test e 500 mon 500 thurs
500 deca 250 mon 250 thurs
50mg anadrol ed for four weeks
.25 adex eod
Caber on hand

Then back to trt
To bulk. I've ran from the first to last
12 week 500 mg test
16 week 500 mg test 500 mg eq
10 week 500 mg test 50 mg ed anadrol for four weeks
14 week 500 mg test 500 deca
then my last run with 100 mg tren eod and 100 test p eod it was suppose to be 8 weeks but the tren was badly under dosed and it only last about half of if. I was pinning 300 mg tren a eod the last couple weeks.

180 lbs
been training for a long time

I know I should weight more but with the recent surgery and moving and just stress I've loss a pretty good bit and I'm ready to get back at it I'm already back training