Need some suggestions on speaking to Doc .


New member
Hey guys , so im booking a physical this week . its been a long time since ive gone for one and id realy like to know where i stand with everything as i havent gotten blood work done cause i havent known about how to go about it in Canada . What i was thinking is i want to tell him ive tried out some otc prohormones recently and want to see where my hormone levels stand .
Do you think this can cause any problems . i also want to suggest to him if in that blood test he can check my RBC count and the rest . Atm im taking 1000mg test per week and i am taking a pharm Ai arimidex managing estrogen . He has been my family doctor a long time
Last edited: should be able to order the doctor to give you any test you want. It's called being proactive with your own health. Not to mention DOCTORS WORK FOR YOU! Not the other way around gosh darnit!

Ok got that out of the way lol.....sorry docs piss me off sometimes.

The issue with this is....the doc is going to see your values are way elevated. He probly knows that otc prohormones won't raise your TT levels so he will probably know right away what's going on. At that point it all depends on how much you trust your doctor. You don't want him reporting certain things to your insurance provider because that can cause you issues now, and down the road. If it's possible for you to get private blood work...I'd try that option first.
Wow - you are on a gram of test and want the doc to give you a blood test? At least come down to normal levels before requesting bloods.

Don't give the doc a reason to flag you. Play it smart .

Don't roll the dice thinking "my doc will be cool about it"
You should really keep the doc out of it. Megatron has a link for blood work in Canada in the ology faq's thread. If you start telling the doc about your recreational use, you will get red flagged by insurance companies. This might not mean anything to you now, but if for some reason you have future medical issues, the insurance companies will have you pinned as a drug abuser and premiums will be high. Telling your doc that your on prohormes while on a gram of test will be a good laugh for him. Don't do it...