Need urgent help on gyno case.sick of having sore nipples


New member
Hey everyone,

I rushed into my first testo enanthate/dbol cycle, didn't get all the information i needed.
The gains were awesome but it came with gyno sides.

I got gyno sides after about 3-4 weeks on the cycle, I started taking nolva and it removed the sore nipples.
Later i felt so confident that it wouldnt come back so i didnt really care about the nipples etc, i was not careful.

On my PCT that was nolva/clomid i woke up one morning with a lump behind my nipple. It was very sore and would hurt if it was touched. I waited 4 days and got me some letro and starting running dosage as high as 2.5ml per day for about 1-2 weeks, nothing happened. Tried buying another letro with same effect.

As nothing helped i called the hospital and got schedueled for surgery. The doctor didn't remove everything and now it feels like i still have sore nipples and it hurts. Still abit of a lump behind my nipple also.

I need to get advice what i can do from here, im sick of having sore nipples and a lump behind. Can anything help me here?? I need advice from someone with a bit of knowledge.:crying: