Need weight gain advice please


New member
My goal is to put on weight. I would love to hit 160+.

Age: 17
Height: 6"2
Weight: 142 lbs
BF: under 5% i believe

My current diet is very random. I currently eat what my mom prepares (I am bosnian, so mostly pitas which are basically puff pastries stuffed with cheese and sometimes meat), but I am committed to start preparing my own food and buying whatever supplements necessary.

My problem has been going through phases where my appetite dies out completely, or I feel hungry, but cannot eat for whatever reason. I also quit taking my protein about 2 months ago (Syntha-6) because of the taste.

I go to the gym and workout regularly 4+ days a week. Mostly upper body. Chest and biceps one day, back and triceps the next. Very little legs, maybe once in 2 weeks.

Any and all advice is welcome please.
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well this sucks ass.. i love helping people like you out but youve admitted your 17.. which is under the age limit for this website...

here's what ill do for you instead.. (because unfortunately im going to have to ban you till your 18, seriously though dont take it as hard feelings or something.. im just following policy).. go ahead and email me at ill give you some pointers to put on mass... remember its all about diet baby!!

come back when your 18.. we would love to have you
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jesus i hate banning members who come asking for solid advice the right way.. this kid wasn't some punk looking for steroids.. he wasn't looking for the easy way out.. he wasn't a stubborn fuck..

this kid is smarter then most members who come here telling me they are 140lbs and they "have their diet in check"...

honestly bro if you come back and read this my hats off to you... take me up on my offer i promise you wont regret it!