Op you look massive to me no need for roids.
I thought that before especially if for example I did not eat 4H and then went to gym then I felt weaker, if I go after 16H after not eating I feel more energy... strange isn't it? So something happening after 12H - body enter in fat burning mode.16 hrs with no food?? I would be one cranky guy!
You got pretty decent results with intermittent fasting, Yes you was look look bloated before intermetting fasting and after just amazing, did you lose any muscle mass while doin intermetting? And was you natural or taking gear?
Wayyyyy tooooooo young to be using AAS. Your brain/endocrine system are still developing. You greatly increase the risk of permanently damaging them when you use AAS before this development is completed. Are you prepared for the risk of being on TRT the rest of your life?
You've got to be tired of typing the same thing over and over!
4 threads alone on the first page of children wanting to run AAS, but still insist on starting another thread like they are going to get a different answer or their situation is special.
Yes I am kind a special , I know to how to diet and training as you can see in my 11 months progress (I wasnt able to do compounds movements for 3 months my 2 fingers was broken) and I come from very wealthy family so possibilities limitless for me , so I think I am different most of children want to run aas in this forum.
Also as you can see in my previous post I changed my idea I'll not cycle until 21-22.
Mike Tyson was a boxer and boxing more about skills and this is bodybuilding, being able to afford quality foods,stress free gym dedicated life and quality gear is everything and you need money for those things. If bodybuilding nothing to with money why all Semi-ameteurs looking for sponsors to get their pro cars use your brainMike Tyson came out of a ghetto. What does your wealthy family have anything to do with you being special ? Your getting more ignorant with every post.
Yes I am kind a special , I know to how to diet and training as you can see in my 11 months progress (I wasnt able to do compounds movements for 3 months my 2 fingers was broken) and I come from very wealthy family so possibilities limitless for me , so I think I am different most of children want to run aas in this forum.
Also as you can see in my previous post I changed my idea I'll not cycle until 21-22.
LOL spoken like a true arrogant my parents have money asshole! 21-22 is still too young dummy.
Why don't you do for yourself and quit bottle feeding off your family
knowing how to diet and train for 11 months isn't special. Knowing how to diet and traing to the point your losing fat and not any muscle and building lean muscle with almost no fat is special.
Training yourself from a 135 bench press to 405 bench press is special. your choice to hold off is a good one, because like i said before, in 1-2-3-4-10 years who knows if you'll even be working out anymore.
YOLO seems to be the state of mind of most these young people, especially the ones with a wealthy family.
Yeah yeah of course whatever you say , the only reason for wrting wealthy family thing was you asked me why you think your stitution special then others and I told you I know how to diet and workout and I can afford body building centered life outcomes like food,gear,stress free life because I come from wealthy family
There is no another reason for me to tell I come from wealthy? Taking credit for being rich from juice head like you nah thanks
That doesn't make you special dummy. Money doesn't make anyone special. Be able to afford stuff means squat. Since you aren't capable of understanding a written sentence I'll help you out.
Megatron and nearly 99.9% of members are constantly telling young, dumb and full of cum members like yourself ALL THE TIME that they are too young. There are 4 plus threads a day with jackasses under 25 wanting to take steroids..like yourself. Your ready to screw yourself up for life(possibly) for instant gratification.
But then again you have a wealthy family and that makes you special and worthy of your own thread.
Best wishes..
Mike Tyson was a boxer and boxing more about skills and this is bodybuilding, being able to afford quality foods,stress free gym dedicated life and quality gear is everything and you need money for those things. If bodybuilding nothing to with money why all Semi-ameteurs looking for sponsors to get their pro cars use your brain
When did you see me saying money make you special? I told you My knowledge and bodybuilding discipline and economy way more then usual 19 years I am not type of guy "oh brah ***305; got tren I'll swoole and bang bitchies" maybe because of that I thinked vets answer could be different but They told wait and I decided to wait I am not a arrogant prick who ask but never listen, I'll post about my cycle 2-3 years later with my stats and If They still says wait then I'll wait. Are We clear?