needed help on diet while on Fina


New member
I weigh 164 and I've taken my third shot of fina. I want to know some good advice on my diet. I'm trying to get to at least 175-180 with the least amount of of body fat, my count is low right now and I want it to stay that weigh. this is m second cycle. I messed up on the first one but managed to keep 10 lbs.
what's your bf% apprx?

are you stacking? add test maybe Winstrol (winny) or var and you'll be set as far as aas

keep your diet very clean, just keep the meals consistent 5-6 x's day ev. 3 hrs. get enough carbs.-oatmeal, swt.pot. brn rice and protein
I would shoot for 350g's of protein and as diesel said, make sure you get plenty of good carbs during the day...healthy fats as well. Cut carbs/fat out aroung 6-7pm, earlier if you put on bf easily. You can eat veggies and stuff but not straight carbs late at night. Some cardio in the am will burn off fat if you stick to the carb cutoff.
On a side note. Are you doing a Fina only cycle? How do you like it so far? Keep us updated!